Hexagone is a multi-purpose creative template that can be used for anything from big businesses to coffee shops to photographers to bands! Creative and powered by our HTML and CSS Epsilon Framework it’s packed with desktop features, coded using CSS3, loaded instantly!
Drag to open the navigation
Facebook, GMail, Path style navigation, simply touch the body of the page with your finger and drag to the right side of the screen to show the navigation!
Insanely creative navigation
A navigation that is just different from the rest! With 8 color codes included your page will be truly unique! We’ve included a PSD file so you can create more nav icons on your own! It’s incredibly easy to do so!
Touch enabled, Multiple image, thumbs, text sliders!
Having just one slider variation is too simple, so we’ve made an … anything slider, because you can literally slide anything in it! It’s touch enabled, and it’s very easy to use! Also, the image slider has multiple variation captions and it’s responsive all the way!
Touch swipe thumbnail gallery!
You can also make your mobile page even more awesome by using a thumbnail gallery! We also have a colorbox portfolios but this baby is fullscreen, fast loading, preloaded, and looks like a native gallery!
The more CSS3 the faster!
We did our best to cut down page ressources so the load time is just mind blowingly fast, tons and tons of desktop class features and 90% of them are made using CSS3! It loads amazingly fast!
More CSS3, with no plugins, no fancy complicated code!
Don’t you just hate it when simple features are overly complicated to code? Here’s a fast example, horizontal charts! To make a chart in our template, you need 2 lines of code! That’s all! Round and square ones!
A perfect color ballance!
Flat is not flat if you don’t get the colors right, so we took extreme care to make the color palet absolutely stunning! Check it out for yourself!
Typography Features
- 1, 2, 3 text columns
- 1, 2, 3 image columns
- 1, 2, 3 icon columns
- CSS3 8 text highlight variations
- CSS3 Code structures
- CSS3 Table
- CSS3 Speach bubbles
- CSS3 Fields
- CSS3 8 Color variation small buttons
- CSS3 8 Color variation big buttons
- CSS3 8 Buttons with 400 retina ready icons
- CSS3 Hoirzontal square and rounded charts
- 4 different testimonial variations
- 48 icon lists
jQuery Features
- Custom jQuery Code!
- CSS3, AJAX, PHP contact form with validation
- jQuery Page Preloader
- jQuery Device detection
- jQuery Tap sliding door
- jQuery Submenus
- jQuery 4 Toggle Variations
- jQuery Tabs
- jQuery Big Notifications
- jQuery Small Notifications
- jQuery Checkboxes
- jQuery Radioboxes
- jQuery Image Slider
- jQuery Qute Slider
- jQuery Text Slider
- jQuery Thumbnail Slider
- jQuery Colorbox Portofolio
- jQuery Swipebox Touch Swipe Gallery
Design Features
- Ergonomic navigation
- High Definition Graphics for high definition displays
- Looks gorgeous on iOS, Nokia, Samsung, HTC, and any device with a high DPI screen and low DPI screen!
- 48 High definition list icons
- 400 Icons included for general usage and for the PSD
- 2 PSD Files included to create new nav items
- PNG graphics hihgly optimized for extremly fast load times
- iOS Homepage Icon
- iOS Splash Screen
Requires iOS 5 or higher, Android 4.0.3 or higher, Windows Mobile 8, latest RIM OS.