Best Website - responsive template
Website is a responsive template, which means it adapts to the device on which it’s displayed.
The template cares for your content so it looks great on all devices, but you can also decide to show part of a content on some versions only, and hide on others.
Bright & dark schemes

25+ page templates:
- 4 homepage layouts
- left / right sidebar
- typography
- portfolio big / medium / small / tiny
- portfolio item + image / slider / video
- full-width page
- gallery big / medium / small / tiny
- blog
- post
- breadcrumbs
- columns
- no menu
- search results
- contact
8 post formats:

Social media integration

3 slider layouts:

- fully responsive
- auto play or auto pause at start
- video support
- touch gestures on mobile devices
- optional caption on banners
- 20+ parameters to customize
- content may be tweaked for mobile devices
- optional text for each slide (HTML supported)
- optional text on banners (with customizable position)
Filterable portfolio (4 size types)
Also the portfolio is fully responsive (all types of them) and can include images, sliders or videos.
Items on a portfolio list may include tags, title and description (everything optional).
Different image proportions in one portfolio set are also supported.
Portfolio items can be filtered dynamically by category.
Every portfolio item has it’s own page.
Galleries (4 sizes) + Fancybox
There are 4 sizes of galleries:
Optionally, Fancybox can be used in every case.
Different image proportions are also supported.

Smart images loading
Template serves accurate images sizes depneding on device needs, so it doesn’t download unnecessary data. For example this portfolio page watched on desktop weighs 720 kb and only 415 kb on a mobile phone.

110 social media icons + 100 special icons

Full PSD design included

Try Website on your smartphone!

Website 2.0
- implemented new rules of Twitter API 1.1 for Twitter widget
- added include-retweets and exclude-replies options for Twittera widget
- added buffering for received tweets to make it work faster
- added option to scale up site on mobiles
- added option for aligning each menu to left or right
- added force braking too long words
- added PSD files with full site design
- added support for Windows 8 Metro UI
- added new social icons: Soundcloud and Disqus
- replaced JWPlayer with the MediaElements.js
- improved portfolio and gallery behavior (especially while rescaling web browser window)
- removed “old web browser” notice for Internet Explorer 7 (and older) users
- updated Google+ icon
- updated jQuery to 1.8.3 version
- updated TimThumb to 2.8.11 version
- fixed site crash if no portoflio/galerry items were used bug
- fixed JS error in case of just one slider item used on a site
- fixed wrong site printing using Internet Explorer 9 browser
- fixed favicon code (IE support)
- fixed bug causing notice box impossible to close in Internet Explorer browser
- fixed long tags list look in web browsers using Webkit engine
- fixed ignoring leading color by tiny button
- fixed wrong displaying form labels bug
- small changes in the template documentation
- many other improvements and fixes
Website 1.3
- added option to set compression level of resampled images
- added LinkedIn social media button
- added social media icons: Bloglovin and Instagram
- improved support of older versions of Firefox browser
- updated jQuery to version 1.8.0
- fixed wrong displaying images inside the tabs
- fixed missing magnifying glass in the footer’s search widget
- other minor fixes
Website 1.2
- unnecessary JavaScript scripts are no longer added if a page doesn’t use them (which means big loading optimization)
- added video support in a slider
- added support for Pinterest service
- added deep-linking feature to filtered portfolio
- added support for different heights of images in one portfolio item slider
- added text tooltips
- added social media icon: pinterest
- added author box
- added unclicable menu items
- improved responsive images system
- many improvements in CSS
- updated some JS libraries
- fixed not responsive logo
- fixed wrong images sizes generated for different site versions
- fixed CSS styles of the <code> tag
- many other small improvements and fixes
Complete changelog can be found in the theme’s documentation.
If you like my work
follow me on Themeforest, like me on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter. Cheers!
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