Best Flatpoint - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template
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Version 1.0 Upcoming Features
FlatPont – Responsve Admin Dashboard Template
FlatPoint is another responsive flat admin dashboard template built with the latest Twitter Bootstrap Framework for backend web applications.
FlatPoint has a very clean UI and design. It works on all major web browsers, tablets and phones.
FlatPoint has a lot options which gives you opportunity to build fully customized admin template for your web application. End user/client is able to pick manually any color/styling on any element (header, main navigation, sidebar, widgets, boxes etc…) by their own choice and that makes this template perfect for your next project. Your users/clients will simply love it.
This template has a clean code which makes it extremely fast and user-friendly. FlatPoint is currently prebuilt with 18 color schemes.
Once You purchase this admin template, you will be able to download all feature updates for free.
- Responsive layout
- Retina support
- Fixed/Fluid layout
- Fixed/Static Header
- Template layout options (Can be included or excluded):
- Header
- Main responsive collapsible navigation
- Main content
- Sidebar with/out tabs
- Footer
- Color schemes
- Header – 18 color schemes
- Main navigation – 18 color schemes + dark navigation support
- Widgets and wells – 18 color schemes by user choice
- Tables
- Dynamic tables
- Responsive tables – work on all handheld devices
- Basic tables
- Tables with header options
- Tables with footeroptions
- Forms
- File uploader and Multifile uploader
- WYSIWYG editor
- Tags input
- Select with search
- Select without search
- Select uniform
- Bootstrap select dropdown
- Form wizards
- Validation
- Date picker
- Time picker
- Datetime picker
- Bootstrap switch buttons
- Bootstrap spinners
- Example pages:
- Faq page
- Invoice page
- Maps
- Message center
- Pricing tables
- User profiles
- Search results
- Timeline page
- Full calendar
- File manager
- 6 error pages
- Line, bar, pie, donut charts
- Font Awesome icons
- Tooltips and popovers
- Vector maps
- Google maps
- Dragable boxes
- 6 prebuild login pages
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