Best Oakland - Responsive Corporate HTML5 Template

Current version – 1.1.1 (see Changelog)
Oakland is an embodiment of versatile corporate template for any web site creation. Simplicity, from which you can change practically everything in this template, is stunning! Set up color for all elements of the site via CSS . Create your own unique design!

Also Oakland is a HTML5 and CSS3 corporate template which is represented in two versions:
Responsive version is build to adapt to the visitor and to look great in all browsers and media sizes, such as iPads, iPhones and tabletsy, without missing content and having to zoom in. It goes with unique Responsive Slider. You can drag images with mouse or with finger touch.
Preview Oakland on your mobile device

Nonresponsive version goes with stunning One by One slider (unfortunately it can’t be responsive), which spectacularly presents your products and services. Yeah, nearly piece of art!

Key Template Features
- Responsive design
- Unlimited color variations
- HTML5 & CSS3 Validated
- OneByOne amazing slider
- Responsive Slider
- Google webfont directory support (450+ Fonts)
you can preview fonts here – http://www.google.com/webfonts - 6 Sliders
- 50 html files
- Full browsers compatibility
- Ipad and Iphone compatible
6 Sliders
- OneByOne Slider by sike (no slide animation in IE and Opera)
- Responsive Slider
- Motion Slider
- Architect Slider
- Nivo Slider (The Most popular slider)
- Coin Slider
- Piecemaker2 3D slider (Very popular 3D slider with video support)
- Home without slider
Page Heading Templates
- Standard Heading
- With text
- With Icon
- With Text and Icon
- Buttons
- Infoboxes
- Columns
- Tooltips
- Tabs, Toggle and Accordion
- Site Tour (Cool Feature)
- Media (HTML5 Video, Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Screenr, HTML5 Audio, Image Gallery, Image Slideshow)
- Audio and Video Players (Cool styled jplayer! You can create playlists for audio or video files)
- Lightboxes
- Content Sliders (Show your images in content using powerful options of Nivo, Accordion or Anything slider options)
- Google Maps
- H1-H6 Tags
- Dividers
- Supported Letters
- Ordered List
- Picture Frames
- Big Centered Text
- Table
- Sitemap
- 404 error page (You’ll like it!)
- Left Sidebar
- Right Sidebar
- Full Width
Portfolio & Gallery
- Sortable Portfolio
- Portfolio 1-4 Columns
- Portfolio project: Image slider
- Portfolio project: Image list
- Portfolio project: Video
- Portfolio project: Albums 1-4 columns
Blog variations
- Post Formats
- Blog with sidebar
- Full Width blog
- Blog post (With paginator, tag styles, about the author box, popular and latest posts switcher, social sharing)
Contact page with map and ajax validation
Please, note: The StyleChanger is not a functionality of our theme and is used primarily for demonstration of its styling options.
03.13.2012 v. 1.0 Release
- Added Ajax sorting to responsive version
03.15.2012 Updated to 1.1
- Added Ajax sorting to responsive version
06.19.2012 Updated to 1.1.1
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