Best Orion | Elegant portfolio Template
Orion | Elegant portfolio Template
This is where elegance meet simplicity. This is a full 5 page html/css template for your portfolio. business site. Comes with many custom features and many cool web 2.0 looks
- 5 Page full site
- Valid XHTML 1 .0 Strict and CSS 2 .1
- Works in all major Browsers ( IE6 , IE7, IE8 , Safari, Chrome, Firefox 2 and 3
- jQuery powered featured section and portfolio page
- Working contact form
- Extensive in depth help files
Fonts used
Tahoma for paragraphs, Georgia for Heading tags and Quicksand for logo. (Link provided in help file for location of download)
All images were taken screenshots of various Envato sites
Thank you and remember if you buy please rate, it’s great appreciated to see how I’ve done
Note: In IE7 an 8, the site is aligned to the left because of security encryption but I assure you that it is centered in the actual files.
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