Best Fidelity - Photography HTML5/CSS3 Template
Fidelity is the most fastest and future-oriented template. It uses a full power of hardware-accelerated CSS3 transitions and transforms (of course with fallback to jQuery animations) and provides great perfomance on desktops, tablet PCs and smartphones. It’s primarily for photographers, but it can be used by design agencies, architecture bureaus, etc. Template was succesfully tested in all modern browsers: Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and IE8-11, also mobile browsers: Chrome, Safari, IE, stock Android browser, Dolphin.
Key features:
- 7 Color Schemes
- Responsive and Retina-ready design – from mobile to HD devices
- Unique effects and functionality
- Hardware-accelerated sliders and gallery with keyboard navigation and swipe support
- Background video with fallback to image
- Responsive lightbox plugin for images and videos (supports filtered photo groups)
- Smart filterable portfolio (inactive/hidden categories if no posts on current page)
- Ability to setup narrow/fullwidth page in a few clicks
- Helper classes
- Unique Ajax photo gallery
- Infinite scroll for portfolio and blog
- Handwritten simple slideshow for portfolio page
- Grid Blog and classic blog layouts
- Flickr and Instagram widgets
- Contact form with validation and sliding captcha
- Sticky pages
- Supports Twitter Bootstrap 3 elements/classes
- Advanced Google Maps settings
- CSS3 powered + jQuery fallback
- Accurate and valid cross-browser code
- Grids, tabs, accordions, alerts and full power of Twitter Bootstrap
- Great Foundation Topbar for site navigation
- ...and much more!
- Photos: Thomas Hawk and Viktor Hanacek. Video: Beachfrontbroll
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Zurb Foundation
- Modernizr
- Fontello
- jQuery library
- jQueryUI library
- jQuery Easing plugin
- FlexSlider 2
- Shadowbox lightbox plugin
- jQuery NiceScroll
- Infinite Scroll
- jQuery Transit
- jFlickrFeed
- jQuery Instagram
- Isotope
- Pace.js
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