Best SunRising - Fresh Responsive Template
Hi ! I’m SunRising
SunRising is an unique template for all kind of website: blog, portfolio, agency…Fully responsive and built with the best tools (isotope, bootstrap, prenium slider…) it will satisfy you
- Responsive Design
- Powered by HTML5 & CSS3
- +20 HTML files
- Built with Bootstrap (12 columns grid)
- W3C valid
- Ulimited colors
- Prenium slider included
- 3D slider included (home3)
- Touch sliders
- +200 icons and 28 social icons
- PHP script included for the contact form
- Google Map customizable with your logo
- Portfolio 2, 3, 4, 6 columns
- Isotope included (filtering)
- Third menu level
- Photoshop files included
- Latest Tweets widget
- Documentation
v2- Design refreshed
- Prenium slider added
- Third menu added (thanks to superfish)
- New documentation
- 3D slider added
- Jquery updated to 1.8.2
- Responsive bugs fixed
- Logo, arrows updated
- Stylesheet organized
- PHP part removed (Wordpress template will coming)
- Bootstrap 2.1.0 ready
- New documentation
- Minor issues fixed
- Home page in .PSD added
- Minor issues fixed
- Initial version
Credits (for the demo)
A very big thanks to Josh Dykgraaf for the pictures used in the preview.
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