
Best Modern, Professional Hosting Design

Modern, Professional Hosting Design

Best Modern, Professional Hosting Design

This is a modern, professional hosting design fully XHTML 1 .0 Strict Compliant.

PURCHASE THIS VERSION AND I ’LL PROVIDE YOU WITH THE WORDPRESS VERSION 100 % FREE! Once Purchased use the contact author option, and I’ll be able to email the files over to you. Please note that support is not provided for the wordpress version. FEATURES

- Fully XHTML 1 .0 Strict

- @font-face Used to enhance the design

- Includes 5 fully coded pages designs.

- Contains just 27 images, resulting in fast loading times.

This design has been engineered to look great and be easy to work with. It makes use of @font-face to deliver clean, superb quality fonts throughout.

Please take a moment to look at the previews to see the high quality of this design.

Buy it Now