Best Boxin - Flat Creative HTML Template
Boxin is a creative theme for personal portfolio. Created for retina display so you can upload amazing graphics. All shapes are 100% resizable and image placeholders are easy to edit.
Boxin looks awesome on mobiles too! It will display nicely on all devices (phones & tablets) thanks to proven technologies we have carefully selected.
- Uses the famous responsive Slider Revolution ($15 worth)
- SwipeJS Touch Slider used on the “Work” page (used by CNN, AirBnB and more)
- Super friendly mobile navigation using phones native select list
If you browser the details page from a tablet or a mobile, you’ll enjoy checking out the photos. We implemented the most accurate touch slider, that allows you smooth swipe navigation (left or right).
Boxin comes with a handful of 20 templates! This virtually gives you almost 100 different possibilities to make your theme unique.
We designed Boxin with the idea that you can make it your own. Creating a new color scheme is easy as a breeze. We used a technology called Less to develop this very flexible theme. Just pick the right colors and assign them to each element, the theme will turn it into a customized style.
Boxin comes with 4 color schemes.
Nowadays, most people have a powerful computer for internet browsing. Let’s take advantage of it! We’re using hardware-accelerated CSS3 animations. Fully accessible and cross-browsers compatible!
Also, to make it easy for you to customize your theme, we made the CSS animations editable with simple data attributes. Basically, you just have to indicate which effect you want for each element! And the best part is… you can choose between 50+ animations!
Using the latest HTML5 & CSS3 standards, we insured to create a clean and semantic code. For instance, the forms validate using HTML5 validation and a bunch of features works with HTML5 data-attributes to give you more flexibility.
Boxin is built with LESS, which is a CSS preprocessor. This dynamic stylesheet language allowed us to define variables for each components of the color scheme. Therefore, it is incredibly easy to change to the look and feel of the theme: you just need to edit the variables.
- Slider Revolution
- SwipeJS Touch Slider
- BXSlider
- jQuery FitText
- jQuery TinyNav
- jQuery Tweetable
- jQuery MagnificPopup
- jQuery Countdown
- Animate.css (used by EA Games, Foursquare and more)
- Google Maps API
- Font Awesome
- Elements
- Accordions
- Buttons
- Tabs
- Quotes Slider
- Blockquotes
- Featured Boxes
- Alert Boxes
- Bullet Styles (360+ bullets + unlimited color variations)
- Navigation
- Price Table
- Home
- About us
- Works 2 columns
- Works 3 columns
- Works 4 columns
- Single Project
- Services
- Blog Standard + Right Sidebar
- Blog Standard + Left Sidebar
- Blog List View + Right Sidebar
- Blog List View + Left Sidebar
- Blog Feature Post + Right Sidebar
- Blog Feature Post + Left Sidebar
- Single Post + Right Sidebar
- Single Post + Left Sidebar
- Contacts
- Additional Elements
- 404 Page
- Maintenance Page
- Fix for duplicate items in responsive navigationv1.0.3
- Removed unused javascript files - Main stylesheet is no more minified - Fixed navigation menu on resolutions 768px to 1280px. Fixed countdown issue
- FIX: Layout issue with banner under navigation (stretched image replaced with background-size: cover) - UPDATE: Disabled mousewheel zooming on Google Maps (contact page) to allow scroll - FIX: Issue with Gmaps infobox (renamed gmpa-infobox.js to gmap-infobox.js to fix 404)
- Removed PSD from archive. To buy the PSDs, please see - Fixed layout issue with footer "Recent Posts" widget - Updated menu accross all pages
- First release
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