
Best Fides Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template

Fides Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template

Best Fides Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template

Fides Admin is a HTML/CSS/JS framework that has a modern flat design with over 30 components, widgets and elements that can be used to create clean, responsive, fast-loading and intuitive web apps.

Tell us in the comments what features should we include in the next Fides Admin release.

We wanted to create a product that is actually used by our customers. We took time and planned everything out to make our theme as modular and scalable as possible. We split each and every plugin in different CSS and JS files so that you can easily exclude the plugins you don’t want to use and keep everything nice, clean and fast-loading :)

Fides includes (for now) 7 color schemes that can be easily modified. The layout can be full width or boxed. You can create new styles by editing only a few lines of CSS.

The clean, modern Fides user interface comes with a great user experience across browsers from Internet Explorer 8 to the latest version of Google Chrome and across multiple devices, including tables, phones and desktops. The CSS3 features degrade gracefully for older browser versions.

Fides Admin uses Bootstrap 3, JQuery 1.10.2, JQuery UI 1.10.3 and up to date versions for any other plugin included.

For support requests please read our documentation to see the available support channels (forum, email, helpdesk).

New features in Fides 1.2 – released 10 November 2013

Todo listview
Tile buttonsview
New charts widgetview
Content boxes with tabs in headerview
Content boxes with colored top borderview
Toggle buttonsview
Custom toggle checkboxesview
Custom multiselect inputsview
New charts widgetview

New features in Fides 1.1 – released 31 October 2013

WYSIWYG textareasview
Image cropperview
Multifile uploaderview
Dropzone uploaderview
Google mapsview
Vector mapsview
Forms input masksview
Full width calendarview
Input Knobsview
Youtube like loading barview
Enable/Disable theme animations Upgraded FontAwesome icons to version 4.0.3

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