Nullfolio (latest version: 1.2.6)
Nullfolio is a web-app-like, sing-page portfolio theme that incorporates minimalism.
- Hash-based navigation with working history back button
- Extensive use of HTML5 + CSS3 that degrades gracefully
- Lazy-loading resources
- Working contact form that leverages Akismet (anti-spam service used by WordPress)
- Easy customization (have you site working with only a few simple text find & replace)
- Full-fledged project layout (see the “layout test” project in portfolio)
- Slick projects sorting effect
- HTML5 contact form that leverages native validation & UI
- Clearly layered PSD
- Well documented user guide
- and many more
Nullfolio supports iOS devices. For iOS below version 5, you need to use two fingers to scroll instead of one.Special thanks
Special thanks to Ivor Padilla for giving me a lot good advice while reviewing Nullfolio. I really appreciate it.Many thanks to these open source projects
- jQuery: link
- Underscore: link
- Backbone: link
- Modernizr: link
- jQuery.quicksand: link
- jQuery.transform: link
- Compass: link
- Sass: link
- PHP5 Akismet: link
- Node.js: link
- Jake: link
- ejs: link
Fonts used
- Social network icon pack: Komodo Media
- Book & Writer icons: IconDrawer
- Portrait Image: Yuri Samoilov
- Placeholder images are credited in the demo site
- Envato sites
Thank You for Purchasing it
If you have any question, leave a comment or send me an email from my profile page. Hope you will have a good user experience using it. Thanks.Buy it Now