Best Boo Admin - Responsive Template
I apologize to everyone. I can not now update. I am not fine.
If you get an email with a link to request a package with the current state of the download. It is not yet ready for sale here, but I offer it to those who have purchased.
This package contains no the documentation and not everything works as it should. Mainly Sass is not complete.
I will try to update here as soon as possiblePreview available: Boo 2
Boo 2 updated all plugins and bootstrap 2.3.2.
SALES – Boo 2
INVICE – Boo 2
Boo 1.2 template is a flexible Twitter Bootstrap HTML5 template for backend, user interface or administration, both for desktop and mobile users. Built on latest Twitter Bootstrap 2.2.2. Boo maintaining native Bootstrap functionality, enriched of pleasing design and tons of new template features, makes it very powerful kit for rapid development.
Features Overview
- Build on Twitter Bootstrap Framework
- Responsive design
- Fluid grid system
- jQuery 1.8.2
- Bootstrap colorpicker
- Bootstrap datepicker
- Bootstrap daterangepicker
- Bootstrap timepicker
- Bootstrap wysihtml5
- Bootstrap file Input
- Bootstrap rowlink
- Bootstrap ProgressBar
- Bootstrap Bootbox
- Bootstrap ModalManager
- Bootstrap Select
- Bootstrap Wizard
- Select2
- Uniform
- gTip2
- DataTables
- Full Calendar
- jQuery Flot and Sparkline
- Nicescroll
- List.js
- xBreadcrumbs
- Font Fontello icon set
- Font Awesome icon set
- Fugue icon set in one file
- Layered .PSD file
- Flexible and easy to customize
Boo does not have what you’re looking for? Heads up can be included in further updates.
Browsers Support
- Cross-browser compatible
- Latest Chrome
- Latest Safari
- Opera 11+
- Firefox 4+
- Compatibility with ie8, 7 will be gradually improved.
If you have any questions or found a bug – contact me, I will try my best to help you!
v1.0.0 30/11/2012
- Initial release
Buy it Now