Best In the Green Meadows - Coming Soon & 404 Page
2013-10-18. Template now needs PHP in order to “Latest Tweets” section to work properly. Helpfile updated.
Also added more social icons – total 47 now.
2012-01-17. Our template is featured on
“In the Green Meadows” is a template that includes a “Coming soon” and a 404 page. The template comes with a large countdown timer and lots of animations to be more alive. Both CSS3 and jQuery are used for the animations. The template has responsive design and looks good on any device.
“In the Green Meadows” is integrated with Google Web Fonts and comes with pack of over 30 icons for social networks.
The template has an 404 error page but it can also be used also as other server error page.
This is an HTML-template but can be integrated in WordPress too.
“In the Green Meadows” is well documented and easy to configure.
Template gracefully degrades for older browsers and can be viewed even in IE7.
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