Best Matrix - Responsive Tile-Based Template
Matrix is a responsive, intuitive tile-based template which is inspired by Metro design. The tiles can be made ‘live’ to display more information on the screen without occupying more space.
This template comes with 15 HTML files and 10 pre-defined colours. It is highly customizable to suit the needs of every user. Unlike conventional designs, each tile can be customized to create any design you can imagine!
All the files are coded with valid HTML5 tags and CSS3, and are Search Engine Optimized (SEO) using valid HTML5 semantic tags for each section and are written in decreasing order of importance down the page. For instance, the title and content of an article comes before the comments and sidebar within a HTML file, and titles are enclosed in h1 tags to signify their importance.
Currently, I am accepting any requests for features and new icons for tiles, so do not hesitate to contact me if you require any help.
WOW . I’m not easily impressed on Themeforest but this is very well done. Superb job! And it’s responsive! soichi, Matrix HTML Template
This is very beautiful work, so well designed and cool and trendy. Robbie2010, Matrix HTML Template
This looks so magnificent.nexorrr, Matrix HTML Template
You’re amazing. That worked perfectly. I love having both options. Thank you! Your template is going to put me way ahead of my writing peers. Harrietinthecity, Matrix HTML Template
Hi! Your theme is awesome! Best of the Metro like desing WP themes! When the Wordpress version would be avalible? I’m the first buyer of this theme!!!xorpi, Matrix HTML Template
Main Features
- Responsive
- ‘Live’ tiles
- iframe video embedding ready
- Vimeo easy embedding – auto styling for description
- In-post slider
- Unlimited layout options
- High customizability
- Detailed documentation
- 15 HTML files
- 12 default colour tags
- Unlimited colour settings
- 10 default social icons
- FlexSlider 2 ready
- Twitter widget ready – only requires your username
- Coded using valid HTML5 and CSS3
- SEO optimized
- PHP contact form script included
- Uses Twitter API Version 1.1
Upcoming Features
- Light theme <- done
- Audio embedding <-done
- Author profile page
- Ajax pagination <- done
Theme Preview
I wish to inform you that all images (except the slider images and icons) are not included in the purchased template, but are replaced with image placeholders.Changelog
05/03/2013 Release of V1.2.5 New Feature : PHP contact script included -scripts/javascript.js ---- Twitter API V1.1 used -tweets.php, OAuth.php, twitteroauth.php ---- To output Tweets using Twitter API V1.1 21/02/2013 Release of V1.2.3 - style.css ---- Fixed menu cut-off problem ---- Fixed menu shifting lines on hover (bold) - scripts/javascript.js ---- Changed Facebook share count retrieval model ---- Updated Twitter API 22/10/2012 Release of V1.2 New Feature : Light Theme New Feature : Audio player New Feature : AJAX pagination File changes : -- New images and scripts. All files have undergone changes at the header to include the new scripts. - index.php ----Added AJAX pagination links - style.css ----Added new styles for AJAX pagination and audio player - javascript.js ----Added new codes for AJAX pagination and minor overall code modification -- Updated the documentation to support these new features 13/10/2012 Release of V1.0.4 - javascript.js ----Fixed background pattern problem ----Fixed twitter link 04/09/2012 Release of V1.0.3 ---- Added instruction in documentation on how to change the twitter user account. ---- Added images/more.png which will be used at the 'Latest Posts' sidebar item. 23/08/2012 Release of V1.0.1 - javascript.js ----Fixed an issue whereby the likes and tweets count are not updated correctly. 18/08/2012 Release of V1.0
Known Limitations
Due to certain browsers’ incompatibility, there are some minor features altered in these browsers :- IE8 / IE9 – Like and Tweet buttons in single item page are made shown permanently without hovering
- IE8 / IE9 – No transition effects on hover
- IE8 – Tile fading effect on hover has been disabled
- IE8 – AJAX pagination will not work due to browser incompatibility
- Safari 5 for Windows – Flipping tiles might flicker on hover. The fix to the problem is mentioned in the documentation
Thanks to all these great individuals :- Preview theme dark version background image by bulliver
- Preview theme light version background image by Charles Henry
- Preview theme tile images by Mads Berg
- Preview theme about page image by || UggBoy?UggGirl || PHOTO || WORLD || TRAVEL ||
- Preview theme about page images by mac_filko
- Preview theme contact page image by Rev Dan Catt
- Icons by dakirby309
- Icons at
- Tutorials at net tuts+
- Tutorials at CSS Tricks
- Community at Stack Overflow
- css3-mediaqueries by Wouter van der Graaf
- hoverintent by Brian Cherne
- jquery.easing by George Smith
- jquery.fancybox by Janis Skarnelis
- FlexSlider by WooThemes
- jPlayer by Mark J Panaghiston
- jquery.masonry by David DeSandro
- MetroJs by Drew Greenwell
- twitteroauth by Abraham Williams
Once again, thanks for checking out this template. I hope you like it and I appreciate any feedback regarding this template, even if it is a criticism
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