Best One Straight Line - unique portfolio template
About the theme
ONE STRAIGHT LINE is a unique portfolio template, siutable for business and portfolio showcase. Also this template has a 11 different background styles controlled by a styles switcher and a new different navigation technique
Features of the template
- Creative Style
- Ready Twitter Widget
- Ready Flickr Widget
- 11 Different skins
- 2 different sliders
- Beautiful Portfolio Styles with filtering
- Single post layout
- Easy, flexible, quick and simple to customize
- Fancy scroll top button
- Jquery contact form
- Detailed Documentation
- Dropcaps and Blockquotes
- Buttons and Check Lists
- Accordions, Tabs and Toggles
- Testmonials
- Google Fonts
- Cufon – font replacement
- Prettyphoto effect
- Twitter Widget
- Flickr Widget
- portfolio sorting
- NivoSlider
- Cycle Slider
- Pattern Effects
- free-matte-white-square-social-networking-icons-webtreats
- Jquery form validation
I hope you like it
Update v1.1 (13/12/2010)
This update is about making more contrast fot some elements of the design such as portfolio item border, main background and borders under main headers and sidebar links, also changed slightly the style of sidebar links.Update v1.2 (16/12/2010)
This update is about fixing a simple issue for the navigation.Update v1.3 (27/3/2011)
This update include improvements as following:- Simple improving in graphics to make the design more stable and beautiful.
- Improving in typography
- Adding fullwidth page
- Improving in previewing images to make it more fine.
- Adding filtering to portfolio [ Credit Documentation ]
- 2 different option of making the logo_and_navigation movable or fixed
Update v1.4 (8/8/2011)
- Adding another slider which is “NivoSlider” – Live Preview
- Adding “Twitter Widget”
- Adding “Flickr Widget”
Update v1.5 (27/10/2011)
This update is about adding all additional possible social icons of the same style instead of only 4 icons
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