Simple is an easy cutomizable v-card/portfolio template made entierly 95% with html and css it allows you to introduce yourself with the most important informations to your features clients or employers.All the html ,css, javascript code are well organized and commented to make any change easy to do without any problems.
The template come whit a four sets of colors : red, blue, yellow and green to give you a lot of variety in the design plus a four different background pattern to change the look a little bit.
- Responsive
- Html5 & CSS3
- 95% Html & CSS
- Smooth CSS3 Animations
- Filterable portfolio
- Jquery powred animation
- Easy to customize
- 4 color skin
- 4 background pattern
- Google map
- Live contact form validation
- Working contact form
Dear Buyer
If you like my work feel free to rate it , but if you want to give me lower rate , please contact me first to discuss the reason of your decision and i will be ready to solve the problem as soon as i can.Updates
June 20, 2012- The template now is fully responsive.
- The template has a working contact form with php file to send email.
Feature Theme
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