Best 3D Responsive Coming Soon/Under Construction Page
First 3D Responsive Coming Soon/Under Construction page with countdown and subscription form. Specially created to tell your visitor that your site is in progress.
This theme allows visitors to subscribe to your mailing list, so that you can notify them about the launch.
Included PSD source file allows you to customize this template to your needs.
Pattern with Static Version and 3D Version.
Animation / 6 Colour Variations
Background Slide Show with 6 colours
Pattern with 6 colours
jQuery Countdown Timer
Full screen Background Image Slider
AJAX subscription form with validation
Google web fonts
Twitter feed integration
Social Icons Integration
Cross Browser Compatible
Well Documented

This theme allows visitors to subscribe to your mailing list, so that you can notify them about the launch.
Included PSD source file allows you to customize this template to your needs.
There are 4 Versions on this Template.
Background SlideShow with Static Version and 3D Version.Pattern with Static Version and 3D Version.
Responsive DesignAnimation / 6 Colour Variations
Background Slide Show with 6 colours
Pattern with 6 colours
jQuery Countdown Timer
Full screen Background Image Slider
AJAX subscription form with validation
Google web fonts
Twitter feed integration
Social Icons Integration
Cross Browser Compatible
Well Documented
Clean Slide Responsive Vcard / HTML Template
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