Best Inochi - Metro Inspired Clean Template
- 3 front pages with video, Flex & Kwicks sliders
- filterable portfolio
- full blog functionality
- fancy pricing tables
- fully responsive on all devices
- 20 templates include;
- front page with full width Flex slider
- front page with Kwicks slider
- front page with full width video
- full width blog archive
- blog archive with left sidebar
- blog archive with right sidebar
- single blog page with sidebar
- contact page with working AJAX form and Google map
- FAQ page with collapsible questions
- full width page
- page with left sidebar
- page with right sidebar
- typography showcase
- sortable portfolio in 2 columns
- sortable portfolio in 3 columns
- sortable portfolio in 4 columns
- responsive pricing tables and product details
- shortcodes showcase
- featured posts
- working AJAX contact form
- 6 color themes (try them out in the demo):
- blue
- cyan
- green
- magenta
- orange
- red
- 10 fonts (try them out in the demo):
- Dosis
- Exo
- Lato
- Josephine Sans
- Marvel
- Open Sans Condensed
- Open Sans
- Oxygen
- Source Sans Pro
- Titillium
- super easy to customize Google Maps
- customers showcase carousel
- powered by Twitter bootstrap
- lightbox gallery
- HTML5 valid
- note: PSD is available only for front page and logo
(scan with a mobile device to see responsive design in action)
v1.10 - July 1st 2013 * modified Twitter feed for new API v1.05 - February 20th 2013 * fixed metro JS effects v1.0 - January 23rd 2013 * initial release
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