
Best studeo - Ajax-driven creative portfolio

studeo - Ajax-driven creative portfolio

Best studeo - Ajax-driven creative portfolio

Designed with a dash of simplicity, a pinch of minimalism, and a healthy helping of elegance, stüdeo is a minimal, elegant, grid-based portfolio (x)HTML template for creative studios and individuals taht’s all about showcasing your work with little distraction.

With smooth, bookmarkable single-page navigation, jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3 animation, it’s designed to help you quickly set up a visually striking studio & portfolio website.
It features 3 pre-designed themes which provide infinite color combinations and theming possibilities.


  • Main features:
    • 3 distinctly different pre-styled themes ( easily edit CSS for more )

      Demo all 3 variations:

    • Fullscreen Slideshow on one of the template variations
    • 10+ styled page templates
    • Smooth, bookmarkable single-page navigation of all local pages.
    • jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3 animation.
  • jQuery & PHP enhancements:
    • Smooth filterable portfolio
    • Colorbox (lightbox)
    • Working contact form that submits asynchronously (Ajax) + Client and server-side validation
    • Lightweight “latest tweet” functionality. ( just plug in your username )
  • Fonts, Icons & Typography:
    • Access to unlimited Google, Typekit, and other font provider’s Fonts. Edit 1 line of code to add more.
    • @font-face replacement for mini-icons
  • Coding & Documentation:
    • Fully valid XHTML Code
    • Cross-browser compatible (common modern browsers)
    • Semantically coded
    • Well commented and documented code. (x)HTML guide included

Third Party Scripts

  • jQuery version 1.7.1
  • jQuery UI (custom) version 1.8.18
  • JQuery validation plugin version 1.7
  • modernizr version 2.5.3
  • jQuery Plugins inside the plugins.js file:
    1. jQuery mousewheel version 3.0.6
    2. jScrollPane version v2.0.0beta11
    3. jQuery.ScrollTo version 1.4.2
    4. Isotope version 1.5.18
    5. jQuery Colorbox versioon 1.3.19
    6. jQuery Nivo Slider version 2.7.1
    7. jQuery Easing version 1.3
    8. jQuery Supersized version 3.2.7

Photo Credits

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