Best studeo - Ajax-driven creative portfolio
Designed with a dash of simplicity, a pinch of minimalism, and a healthy helping of elegance, stüdeo is a minimal, elegant, grid-based portfolio (x)HTML template for creative studios and individuals taht’s all about showcasing your work with little distraction.
With smooth, bookmarkable single-page navigation, jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3 animation, it’s designed to help you quickly set up a visually striking studio & portfolio website.
It features 3 pre-designed themes which provide infinite color combinations and theming possibilities.
- Main features:
- 3 distinctly different pre-styled themes ( easily edit CSS for more )
Demo all 3 variations:
- Fullscreen Slideshow on one of the template variations
- 10+ styled page templates
- Smooth, bookmarkable single-page navigation of all local pages.
- jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3 animation.
- 3 distinctly different pre-styled themes ( easily edit CSS for more )
- jQuery & PHP enhancements:
- Smooth filterable portfolio
- Colorbox (lightbox)
- Working contact form that submits asynchronously (Ajax) + Client and server-side validation
- Lightweight “latest tweet” functionality. ( just plug in your username )
- Fonts, Icons & Typography:
- Access to unlimited Google, Typekit, and other font provider’s Fonts. Edit 1 line of code to add more.
- @font-face replacement for mini-icons
- Coding & Documentation:
- Fully valid XHTML Code
- Cross-browser compatible (common modern browsers)
- Semantically coded
- Well commented and documented code. (x)HTML guide included
Third Party Scripts
- jQuery version 1.7.1
- jQuery UI (custom) version 1.8.18
- JQuery validation plugin version 1.7
- modernizr version 2.5.3
- jQuery Plugins inside the plugins.js file:
- jQuery mousewheel version 3.0.6
- jScrollPane version v2.0.0beta11
- jQuery.ScrollTo version 1.4.2
- Isotope version 1.5.18
- jQuery Colorbox versioon 1.3.19
- jQuery Nivo Slider version 2.7.1
- jQuery Easing version 1.3
- jQuery Supersized version 3.2.7
Photo Credits
- AirPlay – Johan Larsson ( )
- urbaneArmor – Jessy McInnis ( )
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