Best Developr - Fully Responsive Admin Skin
Building a web app for desktop and mobile devices? Developr is for you. Write your code once, and let it handle the magic of responsive webdesign. Developr Admin skin is a flexible responsive HTML5/CSS3 template, built on the mobile-first principle and based on the solid fundations of HTML5 Boilerplate and 320andUp, which provides a rich set of styles and features for all your needs.
Updated to v1.6! See at the bottom for a detailed list of changes.
Main features
Adaptative layout
- Fluid design with 5 different layouts ranging from smartphone to wide screen.
- 12 columns CSS grid with the ability to set custom sizes for each responsive layout.
- All elements are responsive too: navigation, tabs, notifications, agenda, forms, tables, content panels…
Built-in plugins
- Powerfull and highly customizable features: tooltips, modal windows, notifications, confirmation message, tabs, styled form elements, navigable and collapsible menus, content panels…
- Most plugins allow inline configuration with classes and data attributes – no script needed.
- Plugins are touch-screen ready
Everything you need
- Ready to use styles for most needed features: lists, tables, agenda, calendars, galleries, files, blocks, forms, icons, messages, sliders, progress… And much more.
- Includes plugins for WYSIWYG editor, date picker, table sorting…
- Large set of utility classes to build your own styles and elements in no time and without touching CSS: layout, colors, shadows, gradients, position…
- 9 colors sets with for each one a solid background color, a border color, a gradient, a hover style and an active style
- 122 vector icons using the awesome icon webfont Entypo
- Many visual elements to provide additional informations and customize your elements easily
- 3 different tabs styles
- Several columns styles
- Agenda styles, with full-week view and automatic scrolling for smaller screens
- New! 30 days calendar, in 4 sizes and fluid layout
- New! files lists and icons
- New! Images gallery
- Events list
- 2 tables styles, both responsive and sortable
- 6 Error pages: 400, 401, 403, 404, 418, 500 and 503
- Complete form styling with replacement for checkbox, radios, selects and highly customizable iOS-like switches
- Automatic template setup: all your plugins fired automatically, everywhere
- Responsive changes events and control methods
- Innovative size change events
- Most plugins use inline options for shorter and smarter code
- Navigable menus (like iOS configuration menus)
- 6 different ways to display information to user:
- Complete notification system, with ability to use browser’s desktop notifications when available
- Messages styles and API
- Powerful modal window with replacement for default alert, confirm and prompt
- Flexible and highly customizable tooltips
- Confirmation tooltip on links and buttons, just by adding a class
- Information bubbles to provide help to the user
- Custom scroll (touch compatible)
- New! Content panels
- Flexible and customizable sliders and progress bars, with a complete API and 70+ options
- Auto-resizing textareas
- WYSIWYG editor
- Compatible with IE7+ and all modern browsers
What you get
The template package contains:
- The template file, ready to use, with 24 examples html files
- 3 different login pages
- 7 error pages
- Complete template PSD set: layout, elements, login, color themes, iOS icon kit, iOS splash screens kit, and more…
- Comprehensive documentation: every feature is detailled with ready-to-use examples
- Bonus! The template landing page is also included (PSD and html files)
- v1.0
- Initial release
- v1.1
- NEW Added form validation
- NEW Added input placeholder polyfill for older browsers
- NEW Added fixed-size and fluid-size calendars styles and plugin
- NEW Added files icons and lists styles
- NEW Added images galleries styles
- Several minor CSS fixes
- High resolution shortcuts icons have now the correct size
- Fixed too large radio/checkbox on login pages
- Upgraded Modernizr to use built-in features detection for pointer-events, box-sizing and details
- Upgraded GlDatepicker’s custom stylesheet to match the new calendar style
- Better setup for tabs, accordions and selects
- Fixed select replacements too small on iOS devices
- Select replacements now open on click on the whole element
- Number inputs get focus after each click on up/down arrows
- Enable back keyboard focus for switches and checkbox/radio
- Tooltips now have the option to close on click on element
- Enable last-child support on IE8
- Fixed viewport-width bug on iPad for the landing page
- v1.2
- New Added responsive content panels styles and plugin
- New Added files explorer example layout
- New Added mail inbox example layout
- New Added collapsible menus plugin
- New Added DataTables plugin support with custom styling
- Navigable menus can now show a specific inner element at startup
- Fixed button-groups to work also with big and huge sizes
- Switches can now be dragged for a more natural feeling
- Value inputs now work with mousewheel
- Added a style for files and icons list on dark background
- Changed file icon class file-text to file-txt to fix an interaction with the file input style
- Added arrow-up and arrow-down styles for lists arrows
- Added support for fixed-position title bar on mobile layout
- Added support for form validation on selects
- Improved custom scroll plugin to work on absolutely positioned elements and to handle when scrollbar have been removed
- Custom scroll no allow continuous scrolling even on touch devices
- Fixed a bug with font-icons sizes in IE8
- v1.3
- New Added wizard styles and plugin
- New Added search feature for long selects
- New Added bottom and right tabs styles
- New Added simple style for Datatables plugin
- Added ajax content loading for tooltips
- Added visual styling for current element in big menus
- Added support for optgroups
- Improved replaced inputs tabindex detection
- Added custom event update-select-list to force refresh of selects when changing content
- Improved datepicker for better support in overflow:hidden elements
- Navigable menus now trigger navigable-open and navigable-close events
- Collapsible menus now trigger collapsible-open and collapsible-close events
- Tabs now trigger showtab and hidetab events
- Improved legacy browser’s features detection
- Drop down navigation menu (on mobile layout) now closes when losing focus
- Added syntax to style the size select when using Datatables plugin
- Fixed a bug with selects width detection under webkit browsers
- Selects with multiple selected values now display the correct value on load
- Fixed a bug with responsive tables on webkit browsers
- Fixed a bug with custom scrolling
- v1.4
- New Added RTL version
- New Added CSS classes to display/hide elements depending on active media query
- New Added support for webapp mode under iOS (links open in the app, not in Safari)
- New Added support for one side shortcut at the bottom
- New Added automatic positioning for info-spots bubbles
- New Added compact and mini sizes for fields lists labels
- New Confirm plugin now allow direct call on target element, several minor improvements also included
- New New methods for content panels to refresh content
- New Added custom method to reset navigable menu to main level
- New Added method to show a specific tab
- New Added auto-close delay option for messages plugin
- New Added an option to display the parent menu name in the back button in navigable menus
- New Added example page for full height content-panels layout
- Upgraded several external libs and plugins
- Improved fixed position support detection
- Improved fixed title bar handling
- Added a visual style for disabled select options
- Added visual style for active sorting column with DataTables
- Content panels now accept options for the ajax call
- Added l18n number formatting options for number inputs
- Improved styled selects on touch screens
- Added option to pass custom classes to modal windows main element
- Added modal drag on touch screens
- Upgraded $.modal.prompt method and $.modal.confirm to allow more options overriding
- Added options to change prompt and confirm modal windows buttons text
- Added automatic fading on custom scrollbars
- Improved support for validation plugin in wizard
- Improved auto-resizing textareas support
- Improved the look of some form elements
- Splash screen now displays correctly on iPad in landscape mode
- Fixed an issue with font-icons alignement on block-lists under some browsers
- Fixed duplicated icon class names
- Fixed title bar buttons position in reversed mode
- Fixed side tabs missing hover effect in reversed mode
- Fixed tabs redraw issue with older versions of IE when changing media query
- Fixed issues with styled forms elements and validation plugin
- Fixed issues with placeholders being submitted
- Fixed issues with inputs placeholders and validation plugin
- Fixed issues with focus detection on IE7/8
- Fixed an issue in detection of fixed-width selects size
- Fixed an issue when submitting form with an open drop-down select list
- Fixed missing disabled state for multiple selects
- Fixed an issue with text selection when using switches
- Fixed issue with iFrame size on modals
- Fixed issue with autospacing on slider/progress
- Fixed duplicate buttons in wizard in some cases
- Fixed issue with glDatePicker calendar when using static mode
- Fixed button-icons position under Firefox
- Added a workaround for jQuery’s inconsistency accros browsers on css() with percentage values
- v1.5
- New Added iPhone 5 and retina screens full support (viewport ratio and splash screens)
- New Added fixed width for icons in inputs lists, so they line up perfectly
- New Added a required style for labels
- New Added a style with legends for the shortcuts sidebar
- New Added the custom event jsautoexpand to trigger a resize with javascript on auto-resizing textareas
- New Added ajax options editing in onStartLoad callback in content panels
- New Improved width detection for styled selects (matches the native select size, even when it changes)
- New Added a custom event silent-change to update styled selects/radio/checkboxes/switches without triggering the change event
- New Form styling plugin has been completely rewritten and improved, with better touch devices support
- New Added the option staticValue for styled selects, to specify a text to display no matter the value
- New In the modal plugin, added the options resizeToFit and closeOnBlur
- New In the modal plugin, added the options password for the $.modal.prompt method to use a password input
- New Added methods lockWizard() and unlockWizard() to the wizard plugin
- New Improved wizard validation process, and added option useValidation to disable automatic validation
- New Added example code to enable browse history in content-panels
- Fixed a table border style issue in some older browsers
- Fixed the fieldset border issue when a legend is defined in IE
- Fixed the ckeckbox issue on iPad
- Added a max-width to extendable select lists on smaller screens
- Fixed the columns style precedence issue
- Fixed the fallback for the style translucid in older browsers
- Added a black style for radios inputs
- Added a fallback for the stripes style for older browsers
- Fixed the button-icon position on full-width pseudo-inputs
- Fixed a typo in some button-group styles
- Fixed a bug in the accordion plugin which prevented size equalization
- Added a check to prevent double initialization on content-panels
- Added a fix for the floating values precision JS bug in number inputs
- Added support for number inputs to methods enableInput() and disableInput()
- Fixed the issue with disabled number inputs where button still change the value
- Selects are no longer removed from their parent form when opened
- Fixed keyboard navigation on styled selects: disabled options are no longer selected
- Fixed the issue on modal windows when opening with a DOM node as content
- Fixed the issue on modal windows where the option scrolling: false was ignored
- Improved internal setup for navigable menus
- Fixed an issue with navigable menus back button where the text was not set
- Fixed the bug on sliders where a value of 0 was replaced by the default value
- Fixed an issue with tooltips’ position when scrolling
- Added automatic path detection for the Respond.js file
- Improved position: fixed detection
- Fixed the bug which caused size-related events to stop working in some cases
- Improved webapp mode support
- Updated jQuery to the latest version (1.9.1)
- Updated Modernizr to the latest version (2.6.2)
- Updated Entypo Icon Font to the latest version: 284 icons available now!
- Updated glDatePicker to the latest version (2.0), and added a compatible Developr theme (with fluid and fixed-size variants)
- Updated DataTables plugin to the latest version (1.9.4)
- Updated Validation Engine to the latest version (2.6.2)
- Updated Tinycon to the latest version (0.5)
- Updated jQuery Details Polyfill to the latest version (0.1.0)
- v1.6
- NEW added support for count style in the side shortcuts
- NEW added toggle mode for accordions
- NEW content panels: added the content-panel-load event
- NEW content panels: added methods setPanelNavigation() and setPanelContent() to allow custom markup injection
- NEW improved support for custom decimal point and thousands separator in number inputs
- NEW added an option to enable horizontal scrolling in modals
- NEW added the custom event navigable-ajax-loaded when a navigable menu is loaded using ajax
- NEW added onStartDrag and onEndDrag callbacks on sliders
- NEW added support for custom decimal point and thousands separator in sliders
- NEW added zerofill option on sliders to match desired precision
- NEW responsive table plugin now processes empty tables
- NEW wizard: the wizardleave event now receive a custom object with additional data
- wizard: improved internal steps handling
- fixed the duplicated icons issue in old IE versions
- fixed an broken image reference in dashboard.css
- added a fix for Firefox button size bug
- fixed an issue with headers on DataTables with fixed headers
- fixed the height issue on the back button of navigable menus when the menu is hidden
- updated jQuery to 1.10.2, and added the source map file
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