Best OHMY! HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap website template
OHMY! HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap website template
Hi Little-Neko, You’re a star! Thanks a million for your kind help![]()
Thanks for the quick reply, I bought the theme and Im editing it with no problem.![]()
I have tried many many themes and yours is by far my favorite Great work!geoffrow
The templates you made look wonderful and have a wide range of options. Thanks for writing such comprehensive templates.![]()
I see your template is more popular so I very happy for you, You deserve it!![]()
We focus on making customization as easy as possible for you!
Based on Twitter Bootstrap framework, a sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development, it comes with dozens of components ready to use (tabs, menus, alert boxes, princing tables, rounded images, etc…).
Add icons from our custom icons fonts sets (including awesome font ) with one line of code.
Choose from 7 homepage templates, including 3 different sliders (included Slider Revolution v2.0) or mix and match component to fit your needs.
All elements of the design can be set to any color in an easy way. We provided you with 10 colors schemes to start with, with light or dark background.
We also added the JigoWATT AJAX Contact Form (5$ value), tweet! plugin, and an exclusive Little NEKO textures pack for your backgrounds.
OHMY! website template will help you build your site in no time!
What you get
- Unique design
- Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 templates
- jQuery enhanced Dropdown navigation
- Cross browser support
- 35 page templates: Home (7 versions), Sidebar, Fullwidth, FAQ, Services, About us Our Team, 404 Error, Portfolio Vertical, Classic portfolio (2,3 and 4 columns), Classic portfolio with sidebar (2,3 and 4 columns), Filterable portfolio (2,3 and 4 columns), Filterable portfolio with sidebar (2,3 and 4 columns), Portfolio Masonery, 2 Project Page, Blog (Home, posts), Contact (2 versions)
- Unique abstract textures pack
- Documentation
- 20 color schemes
- Documentation file
- Flexislider
- Camera Slider
- Revolution Premium Slider (12$ value)
- JigoWATT AJAX Contact Form (5$ value)
- Sharrre plugin
- Twitter Embedded timeline ready
- Isotope filterable portfolio
- Pricing table template
- Support and help
Google WebFonts
Open Sans Plugins
Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin (12$ value)
Camera slider
JigoWATT AJAX Contact Form
Pretty photo
Sharre jQuery plugin
Demo images (NOT included in the package)
update 1.4
- added Sequence Slider
- added 2 contact page templates
- added 3 headers options
- added 2 sidebar templates
- added 2 sidebar with menu templates
- added 4 single project
- added Twitter timeline
- optimized videos responsiveness
- Added class=”videoWrapper” around each video, then classes “videoFormat1”, “videoFormat2”, “videoFormat3”, handling each video ratios + change the values for thoses 3 classes in phone media queries.
- optimized responsive layout on mobiles (better design)
- removed default bootstrap margins on body, added padding on .container, and .navbar .container.
update 1.3.1
- added easy customization of google map icon
- fixed ‘home3’ rollover bug
- added multipoints support for google map
- updated to bootstrap 2.3.1
- replaced sliders UI images with icon fonts (retina support)
update 1.3
- fixed active tab border-color in light version
- fixed shadow in isotope container
- added “Portfolio classic”
- added “Portfolio classic with sidebar”
- added “Portfolio filterable with sidebar”
- “Portfolio single full width”
- Sharrre plugin
update 1.2
- fixed chrome bug in revolution slider (bullets display)
- fixed missing margin-bottom on “team style 3”
- fixed Firefox bug with transparent borders on testimonial arrows
- fixed width and font rendering of carousel controls in IE8
- fixed share icons in blog post not showing
- allow use of basic “ol” and “ul” instead of built-in styles
- added more space above header in content pages
- added mb15 class, usefull for spacing between blocs in content
- added revolution slider documentation
- added “About us” template
- added “Services” template
- improved “Sidebar” and “fullwidth” template
- improved content blockquotes design
update 1.1
- changed jquery call
More from the Nekos
Thank you for your interest in our theme, please leave us feedback on TF and if you like it, dont forget to rate it!
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