Best Spina - Premium Admin Template + Tablet Theme
Our goal was to create a beautiful interface packed with just the right features. After months of effort and lots of real use, we’re proud to introduce Spina.
Update 1.6
30th of January- Fixed the calendar header
- Fixed couple of JS bugs in IE
- Fixed CSS cross-browser
- Adjusted online version
Update 1.5
10th of June- Fixed select boxes in Chrome
Update 1.4
19th of March- New feature: Obtrusive notifications
- Fix: Firefox table style
- Fix: Firefox checkboxes
- Fix: Pictos font vertical spacing
- Fix: Select box in modal window
- Fix: Select box sizing on resize window
- Fix: Multiple form validations
- Fix: Maximum height of unobtrusive notifications
- Fix: jQuery updated to 1.7.x
Update 1.3
19th of January- New feature: JFlot replaces Visualize-plugin
- New feature: Rich select boxes with search functionality
- Fix for checkboxes in tables
Update 1.2
17th of January- New feature: 960 Grid System
- Fix for client-side validations on calendar input
Update 1.1
15th of January- New feature: Tooltips
- Fixed interface-issue for client-side validations for combined elements. The HTML-markup has been changed slightly so be sure to check that out.
Key Features
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Crossbrowser compatible (Yes, even IE!)
- Advanced PJAX support
- Built-in iPad compatibility
- Widgets & plugins
- Pictos font adapter
- Modal windows
- Calendar Widget
- Charts
- WYSIWYG-editor
- Unobtrusive notifications
- Rich typography
- Buttons
- Sliders
- Tooltips
- Forms with validation
- Dynamic tables
- 960 Grid System
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