Best Oxo 3 - New release of Oxo 2
With great satisfaction I report that Oxo3 has been chosen by “Adobe Company” as a model for their online service, “Adobe Business Catalyst” 
OXO 3 ° is a new release of Oxo 2°
This template is perfect to create your store online. Oxo 3° is clean, organized, elegant, professional and perfectly aligned! All elements are perfect align to create a professional look. Oxo 3° is perfect for every target, because his style is basic and minimal.Showing
Oxo 3° pack includes 10 tonalities
(Click on the color to see the live preview)
All tonalities are divided in 6 page xhtml/css with Validation W3C
- Homepage
- Page product
- Page category products
- Shopping cart page
- Contacts page
- Utility page (to management h2 and more style)
To modified the template design, you can use the psd file.
In Oxo 3° is present 7 psd
(All elements is organaized into folder or groups)
- Home page
- Page product
- Page category products
- Shopping cart page
- Contacts page
- Logo dafault dimension
- Logo big dimension
In Oxo 3° is present 5 png fireworks
(All elements are organaized into folder or groups)
- Home page
- Page product
- Page category products
- Shopping cart page
- Contacts page
In Oxo 3° pack is present a simple and useful Guide.
I have seen a negative star on my template. If you have problems, please contact me, I help you in every mistake. thanks
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