Best LEX - Responsive One Page Parallax Portfolio
Lex is a responsive one page parallax portfolio, ideal for studios, business, freelancers and many more. It’s simple and elegant. It features nice parallax scrolling background effect.And if you like it, I’ll be very happy if you rate it

Theme Features
The site adapts to your device on all kinds of resolutions.
Parallax Background Slider
Fullscreen background slider with parallax effect.
Parallax Backround Images
Parallax effects while scrolling the site.
The site is written according to the requirements for HTML5 and CSS3, while still running on browser’s that doesn’t support them.
AJAX Contact Form with PHP Validation
Contact form that includes front-end AJAX validation and back-end PHP Validation that checks even if the sender’s email domain exists!
Extra Social Icons
25 Social Icons with notmal and hover states.
PSD File
Organized PSD File.
You can send your questions concerning some problems you have with the template via the profile id page. I’ll do everything I can to help.Credits
- Photos from o b s k u r a, mandiberg, Cillian Storm, mescon, vonderauvisuals
- Skeleton framework
- prettyPhoto
- Supersized Slider
- Sticky Plugin
- jQuery Parallax Plugin
- Chris Coyier’s little dropdown select
- Contact Form Validation based on Queness Tutoral
- PHP Email Validation
- Respond.js
The images used on the demo site are only for demonstration and are not included in the download file.
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