Best Boxy - Modern HTML 5 template
Boxy! The template you are waiting for, solid HTML 5 code ready to go.
Boxy template its a High quality HTML 5 coded site with atention to detail and comes with features like: Homepage rotator/color changer, 6 Unique color schemes, 12 Different page templates, many possible setups for the content areas, easily customizable, brandable, adaptable to your purpuose and much more.
- HTML5 /CSS3 Markup
- Modern design
- 6 Color styles:
- Dark Red
- Dark Blue
- Dark Green
- Light Red
- Light Blue
- Light Green
- 12 Page templates:
- Homepage
- Portfolio
- Standard Pages
- Boxy Standard
- Boxy Black with white
- Boxy Combined
- Boxy Standard White
- Boxy White with black
- Boxy Combined white
- Blog
- Comments
- Contact
- Easy to customize and brand
- Modern design
Boxy is the special type of page this template its designed for, a perfectly aligned layout with all elements styled with atention to detail, you can choose your combination of colors to give contrast to the content with defined classes that you can use to give easily style to your content, go on and enjoy this site was made with love.
Notes:-Yeah, a Wordpress theme its on the work for this template

-IE6 its NOT supported.
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