Best Virgo - Premium Admin Template
Virgo has been updated
Current version is 1.6 For more info check features and changelog.
About Virgo
Virgo is responsive and soft admin template, with clean HTML code, based on jQuery and Bootstrap. In this template you will find all what you need for your back-end app, or another project. Virgo template included with lot of jQuery plugins, that compatible with all newest browsers.
Virgo designed and developed special for themefroest. It’s included with lots of examples and samples. Clean source code, help you to save your time.
Also, it’s well documented. And if you purchase it, dont forget to check documentation. There you can find lot of usefull information, and “How-to…” examples.
Virgo Template support available 12/24
If you have any questions or suggestions – contact me with email. I will do my best to help you!
Feature Highlights
In new update v1.3 you will find 8 themes, and 10 backgrounds. Also, it’s easy to create your own style.
Drag and drop blocks
Easy to use drag and drop function for your widgets, blocks etc.
Login page
Virgo login page with great slide effect for “Forgot password” and “Registration” blocks. That can be used not only on login page.
Fixed, collapsible and hidden navigation, gives you more places for your widgets or some actions, on small resolution screens.
Virgo buttons
Virgo button, is middle navigation buttons. It’s can be used as button with submain buttons, or like simple button.
You can use tables with lot of features. As example clickable rows to check checkbuttons, or check all button, that select olny checkboxes in same column and higlight it.
There lot of examples where you can se how to use validation engine in forms, or in wizard… even in widgets.
You can find all what you need, for build your project. Virgo includes with many HTML valid and responsive widgets.
Virgo contents with 7 sample pages that contents with unique designs and elements.
- Responsvie 4+ columns layout
- Cross-browser compatible
- Built using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
- Integrated plugins:
- Twitter Bootstrap v2.3.1
- jQuery v1.10.2
- jQuery UI v1.10.1
- jQuery cookies v2.2.0
- jQuery Flot v0.7
- jQuery Sparkline v2.1
- jQuery Easy Pie Chart v1.3.3
- jQuery Animated Progressbar
- jQuery CKEditor v4.0
- jQuery CLEditor WYSIWYG HTML Editor v1.3.0
- jQuery DataTables v1.9.4
- jQuery fancyBox v2.1.0
- jQuery FullCalendar v1.5.4
- jQuery mousewheel plugin v3.0.6
- jQuery Masked Input v1.3
- jQuery custom content scroller v2.1
- jQuery Select2 v3.2
- jQuery Uniform v1.8.0+f
- jQuery Inline Form Validation Engine v2.6.2(multi-language support)
- jQuery Plupload v1.5.4 file uploader
- jQuery MultiSelect v0.8
- jQuery File Tree Plugin v1.0.1
- jQuery Stepy v1.0
- jQuery TagsInput
- jQuery hoverIntent r6
- jQuery jBreadCrumb v1.1
- jQuery Pines Notify v1.2.0
- jQuery SyntaxHighlighter v.3.0.83
- jQuery Wookmark v0.5
- MediaElement and MediaElementPlayer v2.10
- jQuery SliderNav
- jQuery Isotope v1.5.23
- jQuery Notes 1.0.8
- jQuery Jcrop v0.9.10
- jQuery iButton v1.0.03
- jQuery ScrollUp v2.1.0
- Interface elements
- Fixed, collapsible or hidden left navigation
- Middle navigation buttons, with collapsible sub buttons
- Informsers with captions
- Responsive alert blocks(warning,error,success,info) with hide effect
- Styled and responsive jQuery v1.9.1 UI elements
- Styled and responsive Bootstrap v2.2.1 elements
- A lot of collapsible widgets
- Content grid example
- Custom scroling
- iPhone5 style switch buttons
- Form elements:
- Masked input features
- Integrated validation engine
- Styled input fields with placeholder, readonly, disabled, grid
- Dynamically resizable styled textarea
- Styled select,file,checkbox and radio buttons
- Select and multiselects with search
- WYSIWYG editors
- Tags input
- Multisect
- iPhone style buttons
- Crop image tool
- Image note tool
- Image upload tool
- Tables:
- Simple tables with features
- Sortable tables, with static and ajax data
- Media:
- Image gallery Examples
- Video gallery with integrated and framed player.
- Charts:
- jQuery flot line, bar, stacked, pie, real-time update charts
- jQuery Sparkline bar, line, pie, discrete charts
- jQuery easy pie charts
- Typography:
- Styled all elements
- Add custom UL list design and Description
- Simple and customizable gallery grid
- 7 themes and 10 backgrounds
- 35 valid HTML pages
- 140 Icons by Glyphicons
- 360 Icons by IcoMoon in 3 size and 2 colors (2160 icons)
- Custom designed error pages
- 10 page samples
- HTML4 and HTML5 file uploader
- Form wizard
- And much more…
v1.6 – 29/07/2013- Updated jQuery to v1.10.2 - Updated sparklines plugin to v2.1.2 - Updated easy pie chart plugin to v1.0.2 - Updated custom content scroller plugin to v2.8.2 - Updated uniform plugin to v2.1.1 - Updated maskedinput to v1.3.1 - Updated documentation - Added back to top plugin button - Added user edit page sample - Added search page sample - Added theme support for submenu level 2 - Minor bug fixedv1.5 – 24/03/2013
- Updated jQuery to v1.9.1 - Updated jQuery UI to v1.10.1 - Updated Bootstrap to v2.3.1 - Optimization plugins usage - Minor bug fixesv1.4 – 20/01/2013
- IE8 support - Changed default dashboard style - Added new widgets - FAQ sample page - Bootstrap tabs(top,right,left,bottom) - Bootstrap image upload plugin - New loaders - iPhone 5 style switch - Lot of new chart widgets - Minor bug fixesv1.3 – 11/01/2013
- New default theme - Changed small screen style, and add hidden navigation type - Changed style of submenu 2 and 3 level - Added iPhone style switch checkbox and radio buttons - Added sortable gallery - Added cropping image plugin - Added images notes plugin - Added iPhone like contact list - Fixed minor bugs...v1.2 – 01/01/2013
- New header popup block - Add 6 new themes, and backgrounds - New submenu with dropdown 3 level - Drag and drop widgets page - Removed footer - Fix minor bugsv1.1 – 25/12/2012
- Removed Highcharts - jFlot charts - fix minor bugsv1.0 – 22/12/2012
- Release
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