Best Limitless - Multipurpose HTML5 Template
After long time of hard work we would like to proudly present to you Limitless HTML5 Template. Builded with SEO in mind, including a lot of of build-in and easy to use features, many HTML and PSD files will make sure that using this Template would be intuitive, pleasant and exciting experience!
Take a look at amazing features that we have prepared for you. Multiple sliders, several types of Home page, video portfolio, toggles, accordions & tabs, over 80 included icons, tables, buttons, maps, information boxes and more. Everything as easy to use as never before.
Limitless HTML5 Features:
- Builded with SEO in mind
- 4 Home page sliders
- Easy to change & customize colors
- 8 Home page styles
- 404 page
- Services page
- Meet Our Team page
- FAQ page
- Jobs page
- Testimonials page
- 4 Portfolio types (Video portfolio included)
- Working contact form with validation
- 201 icons included
- Over 50 PSD files included
- Great docummentation
- Wide and narrow version
- Animated backgrounds
- Many sidebar and footer widgets
- Working Twitter widget
- Based on 960 grid system
- And many more
Please note: Photographies, photo backgrounds, slides and Apple product images are not included in the package.
I hope You like it! 
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