Best Minx - Responsive HTML5 Template
Minx is a professional responsive creative HTML5 portfolio template which has been built using the Twitter Bootstrap framework.
The template comes complete with 28+ pages, six colour schemes in both light and dark styles. Sliders, carousels, PrettyPhoto, Dribbble photostream, a working contact form and also uses lots of features which are available as part of Twitter Bootstrap.
- Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
- Well documented code and css
- Valid Html5
- Responsive Design
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Css3 Styling
- NivoSlider
- Kwicks with FlexSlider
- jPages
- Pretty Photo
- Responsive Sorting Gallery
- Pinterest Photostream
- Working Contact Form
- Google Font Replacement
- Psds of elements: Logo, accordian button, portfolio hover & zoom.
I have also included a documentation folder to guide you through the code. I hope that I have covered everything but if there is something that you would like to know then I am happy to help out.
If you decide to purchase this template, please rate it. Many thanks!
19th September 2013 - V.1.01 Replaced Pinterest Photostream with Dribbble PhotoStream. If updating you can remove: css> socialist.css and js >jquery.socialist.min.js
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