Moon Light Admin is a modern Bootstrap template for any backend, user interface or administration, both for desktop, ipad and mobile users. Built on latest Twitter Bootstrap and powered with Sass, Moon Light Admin will save you hours in developing your project.
Theming – Moon Light admin used with 9 variables in main scss file and you can easily add your own colors and adjust it to your website.
Responsive design – Moon Light admin will always fit to the current browser width and will give you and your clients a great user experience.
Flexible – Moon Light admin will gives more features. The code is developer-friendly and everything will be able to customize it.
Upcoming Features
- More form features
- Edit Profile
Updated Version 1.1 – 05/02/2013
- Updated: Invoice page
- Responsive layout
- HTML5 syntax & CSS3 markup
- Cross-browser compatible
- Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.0
- Tasks
- jQuery flot chart
- Flexible and easy to customize
- Editable inputs
- Tables
- jQuery powered
- Date picker
- Time picker
- Spinners
- Messages
- Timeline
- Built on Sass with custom variables
- Responsive charts and graphs
- Dynamic tables
- Forms
- WYSIWYG editor
- Invoice
- Gallery
- Login page
- Calendar with events
- Line/Bar/Pie charts
- Custom icons & buttons
- Bootstrap plugins
- Font icon set
- Notifications
- Tooltips & popovers
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