Best Modelish - HTML5 Site Template
Modelish is a unique modern HTML5+LESS site template for presenting artwork or photography, but can be customized for any business. Highly optimized with mobile first techniques and retina display support, this template will bring style and a modern feal your audience has never seen before. It’s unique customizable system with LESS variables makes it easy to adapt to your favorite colors, fonts and style preferences.
- HTML5 + LESS + CSS3 + jQuery
- fully responsive + 12 column grid + retina display
- mobile first approach (optimizes bandwidth for smaller screens)
- easy to customize with LESS variables (fallbacks to CSS if you like)
- CSS3 dropdown menu with mobile popup compatibility
- custom scrollbars that are hidden if not in use
- contains AJAX based contact form + PHP sendmail script
- unique modern design that stands out from other templates
- focused on presenting images and portfolios
- 6 variations of home page that contain:
- Fullpage Supersized Gallery
- Fullpage Video Player
- Fullpage 360° Panoramic Viewer
- Panzer HTML5 Audio Player
- Flexslider and iOSSlider
- Call to action box
- Featured portfolio display
- Featured clients display
- Featured 3-columned features
- unique pages: About, Our Staff, Testimonials, 404 Error Not Found
- common elements: typography, grids, lists, tables, forms, buttons, tooltips, dropcaps, quotes, alerts, accordion wrapper, tab container, lightbox gallery, audio playlist player, responsive video wrapper, pricing table, flexslider, pagination, social icons
- 9 CSS3 hover transitions with smooth animation: shake, flash, bounce, tada, swing, wobble, wiggle, pulse, flip, etc.
- 15 retina display social icons
- IE compatibility libraries (HTML5 Shiv, matchMedia() polyfill, Respond.js, selectivizr)
- unique single post page with comments
- PSD file for home page and sprites (to customize colors)
- layout scales down perfectly to mobile
- images from preview are not included in the final file
- documentation + support

20 Apr 2013 - fixed small issues with dropdown menus in IE9 and IE10 23 Feb 2013 - fixed IE8 sprite mismatch 30 Jan 2013 - fixed Firefox issue with Panzerlist z-index 27 Jan 2013 - fixed IE8 2nd level menu selection issue 16 Jan 2013 - fixed Android supersized gallery display 02 Jan 2013 - fixed ZIP extracting issues 29 Dec 2012 – initial release

- jQuery
- Window smartresize
- HTML5 Shiv
- Respond.js
- Tabify
- FlexSlider
- iosSlider
- Fancybox
- jQuery Form Plugin
- OKFocus Video
- Supersized Gallery
- My personal Panorama360 plugin
- My personal Panzer Playlist plugin
- Tipsy Tooltips
- jquery.nicescroll
- My personal Bronto CSS Menu
- Open Sans Font
- Univers Font
- Purchased Model Agency Logo (source not included in final file)
- Sample images from (not included in final file)
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