Visual Admin is a stylish template designed for both front end and back end projects. It comes with a seperate login page, and being designed with the 960 grid system if offers endless layout options.
Using Google Charts, the template shows off how this template could be used as a dashboard or even a front-end application.
Updated to Include Pagination & Image Gallery
This file has been updated to include pagination and an image gallery (with working lightbox).
Features (V1.0)
- Semantic, valid XHTML and CSS
- Well Commmented Code and detailed Help Documentation
- Based on 960 grid system – endless layout options
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Super Clean and Lightweight
- Superfish Navigation Menu (Mult Level)
- Modal Boxes (try clicking ‘Messages’ in the top right corner)
- Date Picker
- Notification Boxes with smooth closing animatinon
- jQuery UI Integreation – Accordion, Tabs, Slide, Progress Bar
- Smart ‘Check All’ Checkboxes (try the checkbox on the table in the demo)
- WYSIWYG on any Textarea
- Login Page included
- Pagination (NEW)
- Image Gallery (NEW)
Please be sure to check out the demo and also the screenshots to see all the themes and a code sample.
NOTE : The theme uses Farm-Fresh Web Icons
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