Best Complete Package HTML Template for Your Business
Complete Package is an HTML template specifically designed with businesses in mind.
- Valid XHTML 1 .0 Strict
- jQuery Custom Featured Slider with 4 different transitions and 7 customizable options.
- Transitions include: Horizontal/Veritcal Scroll, Vertical Scroll, Fade, and Seamless Fade.
- Functional AJAX and animated contact form.
- 7 HTML template files and 1 PHP file (contact form).
- Home, Inner, Blog, Blog Entry, Portfolio, Portfolio Entry, and Contact pages.
- Functional PHP mailer for contact form—or use the front-end template with another language.
- Includes 13 PSDs to help ease customization of your site.
- 5 total custom jQuery plugins, all with customizable options.
- Dropdown Nav, Sliding Portfolio Thumbnails, Animated Form Labels, Default Value Manager for Forms, and Featured Slider.
Interested in a WordPress version? Follow me on Twitter to find out when it’s available.
UPDATE : Fixed small bug in contact.php that could produce a PHP warning on some servers if using checkboxes on your form.
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