
Best Circular Countdown - Modern Coming Soon Layout

Circular Countdown - Modern Coming Soon Layout

Best Circular Countdown - Modern Coming Soon Layout

Circular Countdown is a unique template showing an animated countdown. It comes with a lot of options like a newsletter subscription form, an AJAX contact form and much more.

Main Features

  • Unique Animated Countdown
  • Email Newsletter Subscription
  • AJAX Contact Form
  • Easy to Set Up
  • Progression Bars
  • Google Maps Integrated
  • Twitter Feed
  • Grid Based Layout (3 columns)
  • Easy Color Change
  • Valid HTML/CSS Markup
  • Help Documentation

Compatible Browsers

  • Internet Explorer 8+
  • Firefox 3+
  • Safari 4+
  • Chrome 4+
  • Opera 10.50+


09/29/2013 – Version 1.21

  • Updated the scripts in plugins.js

05/21/2013 – Version 1.2

  • Removed the Twitter feed
  • Updated jquery.js, plugins.js and scripts.js

08/17/2012 – Version 1.1

  • Improved the way to display the countdown when it reaches less than 1 day (scripts.js)

06/19/2012 – Version 1.0

  • First Release

Credit Photos

Please note that the photos of the live preview are not included in the package. You’ll get placeholders ready to be replaced by your pictures.

Photos by Mark Sebastian

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