
Best FlexiFit - One Page Scrolling Html5 Template

FlexiFit - One Page Scrolling Html5 Template

Best FlexiFit - One Page Scrolling Html5 Template

Flexi Fit is a single page responsive html5 template built using Twitter Bootstrap. It has a clean and elegant design with subtle textures and elements to give your site a light and fresh feel. Resize your browser to see the effects when you view the demo.

This unique scrolling template encompasses a large image slider, Elastislide, Galleria, FancyBox and a working contact form. Two premium scripts are included to the value of $48, which you get for free with this template. There’s also a psd of the yoga silhouettes – yes they are included!

I have also included a documentation folder to guide you through the code. I hope that I have covered everything but if there is something that you would like to know then I am happy to help out. If you decide to purchase this template, please rate it. Many thanks!


  • Internet Explorer 8+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
  • Responsive Design
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Well documented code and css
  • Valid html5
  • Css3 styling
  • Google Web Fonts
  • Galleria ($29 value)
  • Elastislide
  • Fancy Box – ($19 value)
  • Tabs
  • Working Contact Form
  • Psds of the yoga silhouettes


I have bought 2 templates from Jo, not only are they great to use and to edit, her communication and after sales is second to none !!

I have hounded her for ages with questions and the support has been great !!

Just bought this for a client and I’m very happy about the whole thing, rock solid and clean as a whistle, what more can I want, right?
Excellent theme, but above all, outstanding support. This is worth a 5 star rating.

Thank you Jo.


2nd September 2013 - V.2.2 - Removed Twitter Feed, changed menu font to sans-serif.  14th March 2013 - V.2.1 - Added a new slider, improved code, changed italic font.  22nd October 2012 - V.2 - Complete redesign.  

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