Best Melon – Flat & Responsive Admin Template
Melon – a new premium flat & responsive Admin Template based on Bootstrap 3 with very flexible content structure. It is build with modern techniques like HTML5 and CSS3 to be used for backend solutions of any size. Melon is lightweight, fast and features an expandable set of components suitable for many needs on a variety of devices. It has a clean, modern and intuitive design which makes your next project look awesome and yet user-friendly.
Unlimited Colors Possible
Unique Charts
Well Organized & Documented Code
Responsive Tables
Fullscreen Date- and Timepicker
Login-, Sign Up- and “Password Forgotten”-Pages
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Clean, modern, intuitive and fully responsive flat style design (works on all major browsers, tablets and phones)
- Build with valid HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
- CSS built with LESS (LESS is included)
- Fixed and Unfixed Header/ Sidebar
- Show/ Hide/ Resize Sidebar
- Two Sidebar Themes: Bright & Dark
- Developer Friendly Code
- Icons
- Font Awesome
- Glyphicons
- Fugue
- Open Sans Google Font
- Interface Elements
- Sidebar Search
- Project Switcher
- Notifications
- Modals (incl. Bootbox)
- Progressbars
- Alerts
- Multiple Widget Layouts
- Labels & Badges
- Tooltips & Popovers
- Date-, Time- and Colorpicker (incl. fullscreen Date- and Timepicker)
- 7 Button Colors: grey, blue, cyan, green, yellow, red, black
- Mini-, Small-, Large- and Block-Buttons
- Button Dropdown/-ups
- Tabs (Box- and Inline Tabs (top, bottom, left, right) & Accordions
- Sliders (jQuery UI and Circle Dials)
- Nestable Lists
- Styled Typography
- Default text input fields with placeholder, autofocus, on hover tooltip, read only, disabled, with maximum length and predefined value
- Textarea with fixed height, autogrowing and limited/ counter feature
- Styled Dropdowns with Search
- Spinner: simple number input, decimal, currency, ...
- Styled Checkboxes and Radios
- WYSIWYG Editor
- Integrated Validation Engine
- Horizontal & Vertical Forms
- Masked Inputs
- Dual List Boxes
- Lines
- Bars (vertical and horizontal)
- Pies
- Auto Updating Charts
- Chart Widgets
- With Tooltips
- Static Tables
- Dynamic/ Managed Tables (DataTables)
- Responsive Tables
- Striped, bordered, hoverable, condensed, checkable Tables
- Tables with Footer and Pagination
- Headings and Default CSS-Stylings
- Left and Right Blockquotes
- Emphasys Styles
- List Styles
- Horizontal & Vertical Descriptions
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Note: If you want to rate this item with less than 5 stars, please contact me. I will try my best to fix and update all your point of criticisms. Your contentment is very important for me!
- Features:
- New: Form Wizard
- New: 404 Error Page
- New: Bootstrap Switch (“iOS checkboxes”)
- DataTables are now supporting the ColumnFilter-plugin with the use of data-columnFilter=’{}’-attribute
- Improved checkable DataTables with pagination: Master toggle is now switching into the correct state when pagination was used
- DataTables can now be extended with a function which you can set with data-dataTable-function=”” (thanks karlfalconer!)
- Adding support for .table-vertical-align
- Header Top Left Menu is now responsive and can be shown on phones
- Bugfixes:
- Removed accents in filenames
- Fixed sidebar with left whitespace after resizing the window when the sidebar was resized
- Widget-header toolbar-buttons were sometimes 1px too high in Firefox
- Input-icons at login are now hiding correctly when switching to registering-tab
- Bootbox does not have double scrollbars anymore
- Fixed jQuery Validation resetForm()-function
- TableTools and ColVis can now be used together
- Tabs inside tabs are now possible
- Typing on focus at select2-boxes is now working in Chrome
- Improved validation on vertical forms
Version 1.1.0 (15 September 2013)
- Features:
- Login has now built-in validation
- Full featured Google Maps Widgets
- Zoomable Charts with Overview
- “Display Length” from DataTables can now configured via data-display-length=”10”- attribute directly in HTML
- Added Horizontal Scrolling example and possibility for data-horizontal-width=”150%”- attribute
- Added data-dataTable=”{}” attribute for DataTables to set something like an ajax- source directly in HTML
- Removed Underscore.js and switched to Lo-Dash (resulting in faster page load)
- Multiple Project Switcher are now possible
- Added Slim Progress Bars (like on YouTube) for Ajax-Requests or similiar (using nprogress)
- Bugfixes:
- Removed accents in filenames
- assets/img/icons/iconsweets/is2(white|dark)/exposé.png to expose.png
- Added if-clause in app.js for $.cookie
- Fixed displaying white space instead of sidebar on Android-tablets (only landscape) with Chrome
- Headers from DataTables on resize are now aligning correctly
- Selects are now styling correctly with an ajax-source in DataTables
- Fixed some IE8-issues
- Removed accents in filenames
Version 1.0.0 (3 September 2013)
- Initial release
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