Best BigFat - Single Page Filterable Portfolio HTML5
Introducing BIGFAT , a perfect template for those who like to put their work first. The whole portfolio is on one page and is filterable, including a category of “info” for the information sections (e.g. “about” or “contact”).
- NEW : Basic vimeo support (uses Vimeo native controls)
- YouTube video support, with a unique player designed to fit with the design. (All you need to do is supply the YouTube video ID, width and height, and it works!)
- “Turn off the lights” when viewing pics/vids
- Each category has its own corresponding colour (feel free to change them!)
- All content contained in one HTML file, easy to edit!
- Lovely CSS3 animations, ultra modern, super efficient!
Preview Credits
- Illustrations: Harry Tennant –
- Photos: Amy Walker –
- Video: Jack Hussey –
All above are personal friends and have given me permission to use their work, none of which comes with the template.
Template Credits
- jQuery – The ever popular javascript library which all the below files rely upon.
- jQuery UI – Used for draggable video slider.
- Modernizr – Used to style site different depending on browser.
- Isotope – The main magic of the site, with the filtering and layout.
- Tube Player – Plugin that makes the YouTube API easier.
- Javascript Mouse Wheel – Allows scrollwheel events.
- Wait For Images – Neat plugin that waits for images to load before a callback.
- scrollTo – For window scrolling animation.
- Simple and Social Icon Set – Social media icons based on this set.
- Iconic – Used for a few miscellaneous icons.
- Bebas Font – Used for headers.
- v1.5 Changed custom attributes to be valid html. Although old version should work fine, if you want to update and be valid, upload new version of “bigfat.js” and change these attributes in your HTML file: “image-id” change to “data-image”, “player-id” change to “data-player”, “video-id” change to “data-video-id”, “height-id” change to “data-height”, “width-id” change to “data-width”. Index.html is updated in new version with these changes.
- v1.4 Added Vimeo support. Due to the limited nature of the vimeo API , the native Vimeo player has to be used, and therefore captions can’t be used on Vimeo videos, otherwise they cover the controls. Updated files are “bigfat.js” and “index.html”, where the froogaloop JS file must be included with all the other JS files. Add this:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- v1.3 Fixed FireFox bug for video support, updated “bigfat.js”
Love the ribbon wrap effect in this theme? Buy it at Code Canyon!
Ribbon Wrap is an extended version of the animated hover effect seen in this theme. There are 8 colours, 5 styles and 3 speeds to choose from, as well as some other goodies! Please note that these items cannot be combined.
Buy it Now