Best Freshlr Personal One-Page Site Template
It’s Freshr. A fresh, vcard-like, single page / one page, full-page slider. It’s perfect to be used for cv / resume, portfolio, showcase, gallery, personal, creative. It has some bold / unique touch with minimalist style, flexible, professional, with grungy style background.
One-page site | XHTML 1 .0 valid | jQuery effects | Clean style |
Portfolio gallery | Contact form | Social widgets | Fancy tooltip |
Custom font | Degrade gracefully |
Thank you very much, wonderful clean site!
I really like this template, and with a bit of tweaking it’s perfect for what I’m looking for!
You’re template is amazing. I eagerly wait for your other products
Great template! Clean and easy to understand it.
Really like this template. Good code and nice design Great job!
Great single page design, even works when IE blocks the jquery animations
Hats off to you, amatyr4n and many thanks for this great website template!
Thank you for this awesome theme and your diligent support.
Nice work. Simple. Cool. Lots of options.
Thank you for purchasing this template. I’d be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this template if it’s not covered within documentation, just drop me a message from my profile page.
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- Version 2.0 (current)
3 Sep 2011
- Fixed: different foreground color from the defined settings
- Fixed: fancybox error when used for non-image lightbox
- Fixed: missing arrow when entering from URL with hash
- Fixed: unexpected drop shadow when using image as title
- Improved: pull error text from JS for easy translation
- Improved: slides the viewport to the top after each page slides
- Improved: more responsive sidebar menu navigation
- Version 1.7
31 Jul 2011
- Added: option for sidebar to be animated
- Changed: href for internal cross-linking between pages
- Fixed: sidebar misplacement in IE7
- Improved: support linking to sub-page directly
- Improved: faster loading time by asynchronously load scripts using yepnope.js
- Version 1.6
May 2011
- Added: dark theme
- Added: custom icons for list element
- Added: twitter feed widget
- Added: tweet & like button
- Added: google maps location
- Added: 5 options for default fonts
- Added: 5 options for default slide effect
- Changed: grid classes
- Version 1.5
April 2011
- In summary: fixing basic CSS typography
- Added: rel=me attribute in social media links
- Fixed: headings, sub, sup, input forms, image, list, and table styling
- Version 1.4
April 2011
- In summary: fixing some of JavaScript codes
- Added: Ability to add favicons
- Added: Ability to set whether pages displayed with slider effect or just long-scroll single page
- Added: Google analytics section
- Fixed: Contact form issue with multiline text
- Fixed: Switch CSS color in IE
- Improved: HTML special chars from contact form now filtered
- Improved: Much more easy to setting default configurations
- Improved: Smarter @font-face detection using Modernizr (previously using browser-sniffing)
- Updated: jQuery version from 1.4.2 to 1.5.2
- Version 1.3
October 2010
- IE7 Support
- Adding Cufon font of Bebas for older browser
- Version 1.2
September 2010
- Change the previous font for paragraph to Andika
- Fixing non-semantic markup
- Implement some CSS hack to fix wrong layout issue in IE
- Version 1.1
27 September 2010
- Little layout redesigning
- Fixing alignment & spacing of elements
- Change the awkward-background-in-large-screen with adding 10 color options & backgrounds
- Fixing typography and using custom font (Bebas)
- Using Coda Slider to switch between page instead my custom animation
- Change lightbox with Fancybox
- Recoding XHTML , CSS, JavaScript
- Completing the documentation
- Version 1.0
20 September 2010
- First version released
- Icons: Vector Social Media Icon Pack, Crystal Project, Oxygen
- Fonts: Ballpark, Bebas, Droid Sans, Goudy Bookletter, News Cycle, Permanent Marker
- JavaScript libraries: Modernizr, jQuery
- jQuery plugins: Fancybox, Easing, Tiptip, Coda Slider, LocalScroll, gMap, LiveTweet
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