Best G1 vCard - Glassify one page vCard
“G1 vCard” is a simple and easy to use one page portfolio template. “G1” It can be used for small portfolio websites or for your personal virtual business card.
Update Version 1.11 – 24. March 2011
- Fixed bug on vCard an mailto link in topnav
- You can now add a class ”.hardlink” to your menu links to link to external pages
G1 vCard Features (version 1.05):
- 6 different colors (Blue, Mint, Green, Orange, Red, Purple)
- 6 different backgrounds (Grain, Carbon, Wood, Metal, Scanlines and Grain-Carbon)
- 2 JQuery image sliders (Fade Slider and NivoSlider )
- Ready to use ajax contact form with valdiation
- Layerd PSD file
- supports all major browsers (IE7/8, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari)
- Portfolio page with prettyPhoto support
- cufon text replacement
- jQuery cycle plugin for slide transitions
- Valid HTML
- Font Arial
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