
Best Powerhouse HTML/CSS Template

Powerhouse HTML/CSS Template

Best Powerhouse HTML/CSS Template

Introducing PowerHouse
The HTML /CSS Version
10 PSDs included
Simple yet effective designs on every page gives a clean overview of your product. Included you will find 10 files* easily editable in Photoshop, which means you can create exactly what you deem necessary for your product to sell best.

* Included pages: Main page, About, Project 84, Services, Contact, Blog, Blog post, Login, Register, Extra
Easily customizable
Want to change the size of your call-to-action button? No problem! Not satisfied with the color of the menu buttons? Fine!
It’s so easy to change almost all elements of this design from size to color to placement. Just follow the instructions included in the readme files.
Based on the 960 grid
The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels.
Clean and well organized
Simple yet effective designs on every page gives a clean overview of your product. Included you will find 10 files* easily editable in Photoshop, which means you can create exactly what you deem necessary for your product to sell best.
Detailed instructions
In the readme files you’ll find highly detailed instructions on how to edit, customize and us this template for the ultimate experience so selling your product becomes effortless.

Myriad Pro: Sans Light:


IconSweets 2: http://www.iconsweets2.comMicrophone and knob:

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