Best Espectro :: Responsive Clean Coming Soon Page
Espectro Coming Soon page is the first member of the espectro family. With its clean, beautiful, modern and stylish minimal look, it becomes the ideal choice to display while you build your website!
Do you have any update suggestions? We will turn the world around to make it possible. That’s a promise!
- 2 Dynamic Counters
- With or without iPhone image
- Fully Responsive
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Working Ajax form
- 30 Social Icons included in the ZIP file
- PSD Included
- Cross-Browser compatibility assured. Works everywhere including IE7 .
- Valid HTML5
- Sticky Footer
v1.1 [7/9/2012] Added simple background versions (without iPhone image) v1.0 - Initial version
Sources and Credits
- 30 modified Social Icons based on Elegant Themes Beautiful & Free Social Media Icons (Icons included and modified with permission from the author)
- Countdown Plugin
- PlaceHolder Plugin
- HTML5shiv Script
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