Best Versi - Onepage Responsive Theme
Versi is the perfect one page template for corporate, agency, nonprofit, freelancer or general business.
2 Home Variations, Light, Dark & Multi-colored Color/Gradient Skins, Ultra-responsive, 2 Navigation styles, fully customizable backgrounds(colors,images or patterns), Font Awesome icons and many more super-awesome features to keep you busy & satisfied.
Endless possibilites – With the advanced styling customization features, you can create endless possibilities by changing navigation styles, backgrounds for each section(header,sections, footer,etc..) with colors,images or patterns.
Ultra Responsive – Versi is 100% responsive, each and every element including the awesome slider are fully responsive.
AJAX functionality – Versi also integrates AJAX functionality for Portfolio section. It also supportss media like youtube, vimeo, etc.
Working Contact Form – The elements of the contact form is perfectly styled and works perfectly in all the major browsers.
Custom Backgrounds – Versi allows you to set a custom background for each section. A super-quick way to get creative with your site. Fully customized sections makes your page more beautiful.
2 Navigation Styles – Versi includes 2 navigation styles. Customize it with any color, pattern with ease.
Font Awesome Integration – We include over 300+ Icon font integration. You can use these icons via shortcodes in any page. You can customize the size,color,type of the icon.
Documentation – We include the detailed documentation on how to use the theme and it’s features. Plus you can always submit a ticket at our heldeks if you have any queries.
Rocknrolla Helpdesk – Apart from the documentaion and screencasts, if your still have any problems, queries, bugs, issues, requests. You can just raise a ticket in our Helpdesk.
Visit the RocknRolla Helpdesk | Create an Account | Where to find your “Item Purchase Code”
Theme Updates:View Changelog
- jQuery JavaScript Library by John Resig
- Reset.css by Meyer Web
- HTML5 Librarys by Modernizr
- All background patterns are free downloaded from Subtle patterns
- Javascript file for slideshow is taken from
- Twitter feed by Sea of Clouds
- Icon fonts by Font-Awesome
- PrettyPhoto by NoMarginForErrors
- FitVids by Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert
- Images are from flickr
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