Features list:
- Very clean professional virtual business card
- Highly customizable
- JQuery powered
- Cufón enabled
- Fully text
- Translation ready
- 5 fresh color schemes
- Slide effect for pages
- Images, Flash, Quicktime, Youtube, iFrame FancyBox
- Custom Text header
- Compatibility (IE 6, IE 7 , IE 8, IE 9 , Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)
- Portfolio layout
- Contact layout
- Gallery layout with scrolling
- Valid XHTML
- SEO Optimized
- Social Bookmarking Links
- Full styled typography
- Default fonts
- Documentation, PNG ’s and PSD ’s included
- Customer support
5 Color Schemes:
- Default
- Orange
- Blue
- Green
- Black
- Icons used are: Free Social Network Icon Pack from Komodomedia
- Cheange theme easily @import url(’.css’);
Easily change colors, menus, pages. Clean, Simple, Vibrant, Professional Virtual Business Card.
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