Best RockStar - HTML5 Responsive Template
RockStar is a unique modern HTML5+LESS template for artists, bands, studios, but can be customized for any business that’s focused on multimedia elements and social sharing. Highly optimized with mobile first techniques and retina display support, this template will rock your audience like never before.
- HTML5 + LESS + CSS3 + jQuery
- fully responsive + retina display
- mobile first approach (optimizes bandwidth for smaller screens)
- easy to customize with LESS variables (fallbacks to CSS if you like)
- Isotope based grid for media elements with type filtering
- unique events section with global and local filtering to present concerts, events, etc.
- HTML5 audio playback (single player and playlist versions)
- unique modern design that stands out from other templates
- focused on multimedia elements and social sharing
- common elements: typography, lists, tables, forms, buttons, quotes, responsive video wrapper, lightbox gallery, flexslider, pagination, social share with ajaxed script
- 220 icons courtesy of Font Awesome
- Infinite-Scroll integration
- contains music page to present albums and songs
- contains 404 page not found template
- contains AJAX based contact form + PHP sendmail script
- single post page with comments (for post, image or video)
- PSD files for some elements (to customize colors)
- layout scales down perfectly to mobile
- images from preview are not included in the final file
- easy to customize + documentation

8 December 2012 – AJAX based contact form and inline video post item (play inline instead of opening a popup) 7 December 2012 – fixed iOS issues with InfiniteScroll 7 December 2012 – initial release

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