Best Panoramic - Fullscreen Scrolling Layout
Panoramic is a powerful template which scrolls in any direction : horizontally, vertically or in both directions. It has been tested with all the main browsers as well as older versions to make sure that it’s fully compatible and degrades gracefully even if javascript is disabled.
Based on the 960 Grid System, each section will be automatically resized to fill the whole browser. This templates comes with 3 HTML pages for each scrolling variant and a detailed documentation.
Main Features
- Fullscreen Backgrounds
- Horizontal, Vertical or Diagonal Scrolls
- Grid Based Layout
- 2-Levels Drop Down
- Simple Sticky Footer
- Typography Examples
- Simple Slider
- Colorbox Lightbox Plugin
- Filterable Gallery (MobilySelect)
- Twitter Feed
- Flickr Feed
- AJAX Contact Form
- PSD Included
- Detailed Documentation
10/19/2011 – Version 1.21
- Updated Scrollpane (jscrollpane.js) that caused issues with the contact form
07/08/2011 – Version 1.2
- Updated jQuery (jquery.js)
- Updated Colorbox (colorbox.js)
- Updated Scrollpane (jscrollpane.js)
- Updated Slides (slideshow plugin) (slider.js)
04/06/2011 – Version 1.1
- Added a right aligned version
- Added a centered version
04/05/2011 – Version 1.0
- First release
Credit Photos
Please note that those photos are not included in the package. You’ll get placeholders ready to be replaced by your pictures.
- Detail of spring blossom
- Morning on the beach
- Indian summer
- Winter
- Autumn leaves and bokeh
- happy meadow
- The tree
- Snowy arrow
- Un matin de novembre sur Paris
Other Photos
- leaves
- bloom
- Yellow flowers
- shade twigs in the sunset
- piece of nature
- Lot of daisies
- flower
- The bee
- Translucent blossoms
- Tuffo nel polline
- Duck
- leaves
- Flor macro
- Flower Macro
- flower
- white flower
- Lady bug
- bee on flower macro
- flower
- Ridged branch
- Ready to take off
- Dispersed
- Red trees, LWPF , & a path
- field storm
- reflections for the day
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