Best Biziness 2.0 - jQuery, HTML business template
Biziness 2.0 is a premium HTML and CSS website template for yourself, your client, your business or your organization. This template has been designed to be as adaptable as possible, featuring an easy to use javascript configuration file, multiple ready to use layouts, 5 full colour schemes and full documentation to get you started.
The template itself is a fixed width which can handle either a three, two or single column layout with a sidebar on either the right or the left. All code is valid XHTML 1 Strict and CSS 2 .1 and has been tested on all major browsers including IE6 , IE7, IE8 , Firefox 3 and Google Chrome.
Highlights of the template include:- jQuery frontpage slider
- Fading images
- jQuery dropdown menu
- WORKING PHP contact form
- Full PDF documentation and premium support forums
- Easy to configure javascript options
- 5 colors: turquoise, blue, red, orange, green
- Multiple layouts:
- Front page
- Generic/Text heavy/No sidebar
- Two column inner page
- Portfolio layout
- Sidebar on left
- Contact form
For full preview: here
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