Best Ebro - Super Clean Responsive Admin Template
Ebro Admin is a profesional, super clean HTML5/CSS3 backend template based on Twitter Bootstrap 3 Framework, it’s easily customisable, cross-browser compatible and works great on mobile devices. Ebro Admin has a lot of features, custom pages and has very handy style switcher so you can easily change colors, layout and backgground pattern. This template it’s also retina ready so it looks very sharp on hi-res displays.
Latest Update
v1.3 (13.11.2013) - bootstrap 3.0.2 (updated) - fixed side nav (mobile, swipe to open/hide for touch devices) - select2 plugin (updated) - x-editable plugin (new) - tree plugin (new) - price table (new) - fixed notification container (sticky notifications) - language select (landing page) - print media queries (fixed) - css/js minor fixes
Side Fixed navigation
Build in Themes:
Style Switcher:
Features List:
- Responsive Layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap Framework 3
- Custom pages: Error 404, Help/Faq, Mailbox, User Profile, Settings and more
- Integrated plotting libray (bars, lines, pies, donuts )
- Sticky Footer
- Form Elements
- 2 column multiselect
- Enchanced select boxes
- Chained select
- Combobox
- Masked inputs
- Passwors strength meter
- Datepicker
- Timepicker
- Colorpicker
- Switch buttons
- Sliders
- Autosize textareas
- Textarea character/word counter
- Drag?Drop Multiupload
- WYSIWG Editor
- Form Validation
- Wizard
- Calendar
- Contact List
- File manager
- Responsive gallery grid
- Google maps
- Datatables
- Responsive Table
- Complex Data Grid
- Sticky notifications and extended bootstrap modals
- Tooltips and Popovers
- Font Awesome Icons
- Linecons Icons
- Flag Icon Set
If you want additional plugin/feature just send me a email at or use contact form and I will gladly add your suggestions to Ebro Admin Template.Images
User images (avatars) and gallery images are not included in Ebro Admin template.Changelog:
v1.2 (03.10.2013)- side fixed navigation (new, default)
- dashboard3 page (new)
- navgoco plugin (accordion menu) (updated)
- slimScroll plugin (new)
- FitVids plugin (new)
- css/js minor fixes
- landing page (new)
- search page (new)
- style switcher (save styles to cookie)
- retina ready (gallery&images updated)
- multiupload (removed “disabled” attribute from buttons)
- register form (new)
- print invoices (new)
- small css/js fixes
- Initial release
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