
Best Medico -Medical & Health HTML5 Template

Medico -Medical & Health HTML5 Template

Best Medico -Medical & Health HTML5 Template

WordPress Available

Medico -Medical & Health HTML5 Template

«Medico» is a premium responsive HTML5 / CSS3 which uses the best practices of latest technologies and is compatible with all mobile devices. We optimezed all the elements in this theme to work flawless on touch decives. Medico is suitable for Medical / Health websites, for personal blogs to small business and corporate websites too. It has a filterable portfolio with various layouts, a comprehensive list of shortcodes covering most scenarios, pricing tables and numerous jquery enhancements are just a small part of what the template offers. The theme uses Foundation v 4.0 framework by Zurb which is currently known as the most powerful responsive framework.

Main Features

  • Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design (Foundation 4 Framework – 1168px Grid)
  • 38 HTML pages
  • Huge amount of shortcodes
  • Over 350 icons
  • Working contact form
  • Numerous CSS3 and jquery enhancements
  • 38 HTML Templates

  1. alert-boxes.html
  2. bars.html
  3. blog.html
  4. blog-1-columng-var2.html
  5. blog-2column.html
  6. blog-3-column-no-sidebar.html
  7. blog-4-column-no-sidebar.html
  8. blog-single.html
  9. buttons.html
  10. clearing.html
  11. contact.html
  12. dropdown.html
  13. flex-video.html
  14. forms.html
  15. grid.html
  16. icons.html
  17. index.html
  18. index.html
  19. index3.html
  20. index4.html
  21. index5.html
  22. index6.html
  23. joyride.html
  24. magellan.html
  25. navigation.html
  26. orbit.html
  27. about.html
  28. panels.html
  29. portfolio.html
  30. portfolio2.html
  31. portfolio-single.html
  32. pricing-tables.html
  33. reveal.html
  34. section.html
  35. tables.html
  36. thumbnails.html
  37. tooltips.html
  38. typography.html

Update Changelog

17 September, 2013  ----------------  VERSION: 1.1  ----------------  * Fixed All IE bugs  

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