Best OneStudio - Minimal HTML5 Template
- HTML5 + CSS3 + jQuery
- 1230px responsive grid
- Both bright and dark themes included
- Retina display support
- Mobile first approach (optimizes bandwidth for smaller screens)
- CSS3 dropdown menu with mobile compatibility
- Many elements to choose from for the home page:
- RefineSlide with mobile swipes support
- Zoomable images with lightbox support
- Responsive video container
- Portfolio grid display
- Featured clients display
- Call-to-action box
- 3 portfolio variations containing:
- Fancybox2 Lightbox
- InfiniteScroll support
- Quicksand filtering
- Configurable grid display
- Unique pages: Journal, About, Testimonials, 404 Error Not Found
- Common elements: typography, grids, lists, tables, forms, buttons, tooltips, dropcaps, quotes, alerts, toggle panels, accordion wrapper, tab container, lightbox gallery, pricing table, pagination, etc…
- Contains AJAX based contact form + PHP sendmail script (no need for other plugin)
- Layout scales down perfectly to mobile
- PSD files for homepage and sprite
- Images are not included in the final purchase file
- Easy to customize + documentation

- 960px grid
- jQuery
- HTML5 Shiv
- Respond.js
- Window smartresize
- Tabify
- jQuery.customSelect
- jQuery.nicescroll
- jQuery RefineSlide
- Swipe Events
- Quicksand
- Fancybox
- jQuery Form Plugin
- My personal Bronto CSS Menu
- Aller Font
- Sharing widget
- Some purchased PhotoDune images (not included)
- images (not included)
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