
Best Admintasia-Powerful backend admin user interface

Admintasia-Powerful backend admin user interface

Best Admintasia-Powerful backend admin user interface

Admintasia is a complete backend administration user interface that has the flexibility to house any kind of application. It loads last, it’s intuitive and easy to use, it uses only three small images and it also looks good.

Admintasia’s layout is very customizable. With the help of my helper CSS classes you can, for example divide the main content area into one big box and two small ones, or three smaller one, or two big ones. You want two notification boxes side by side? No problem, just add a css class and you’re done and this goes for allmost all elements. Everything is fluid. Also, there is an option in the sidebar from which you can set a fixed page width.

Admintasia includes sliders, flexigrids, accordions, modal video, and many other nice features.

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