Best SlickFolio - Photographer / Web Designer Creative Portfolio
SlickFolio is a sharp, 1-page portfolio HTML template for showcasing the work of any web designer / photographer.
Portfolio items are displayed in categories that use jQuery effects to slide items left and right and display a lightbox when clicked for more details. Adding categories and items to your portfolio in this theme is extremely simple. Simply drop a thumbnail(s) into the “portfolio” folder, create a .txt file with the same name as the thumbnail and add some basic details to it such as name, url, description. That’s it! SlickFolio does the rest.
SlickFolio Features
- Portfolio images and descriptions dynamically fetched from a folder of your choice (documented)
- Image Reflections automatically generated (this can also be turned off or adjusted)
- Javascript Content Sliders used for portfolio items
- Lightboxes for portfolio item details
- Full PSD File
- Well documented help file for easy setup and customization
- Fully Functional Ajax Contact Form (emails form contents to any desired email address) w/ Validation
- Valid XHTML and CSS
- Table-less Fluid Layout
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